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Tochaltóirí / TOCHALTOIR

  • Club
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Social

Planetside, under the surface, and amongst the stars, Tochaltóirí aims to grow the Craft. Hairy knuckled and toes full of jam, Space Dwarves have a predilection to breaking rocks across the verse. Ask nicely and we just might show you a trick or three, the toe jam is free.


Tochaltóirí means “digger” and Digger was the first Space Dwarf in the Verse. He was born in a land far distant and the Craft was common there. He fell through a strange hole deep underground and found himself in the Stanton System. The hairy knuckled dwarf didn’t let the bugs nest in his beard though, he quickly adapted to his new world. He sought out new rocks and brought home bigger hauls than ever before. He made a few friends, despite the jam in his toes, and he taught them the Craft.

Today, the Tochaltóirí focus on growing the Craft by teaching prospects the ways of the rock. Fondly reffering to themselves as Space Dwarves, guild members work together to educate and count their profits. The vast majority of our members are loud of mouth and smelly of foot, but they take their work seriously. Let it never be said that a Tochaltóirí Space Dwarf shirked their duty to dig.

Feel free to join us on our Discord:


First and foremost, Tochaltóirí is about educating others in the craft of mining. It is our goal to provide initiates with the knowledge and experience to become profitable in the craft. Anyone who is already knowledgeable in the craft can find a home in Tochaltóirí in the teaching of others and in working together to make the most profitable hauls.


The leadership of Tochaltóirí believes in the freedom to practice the craft however an individual chooses. To this end, members have a very simple set of rules that they needs must follow.
1. Share the craft (help others learn about mining)
2. Don’t be a malignance on your fellows in the craft (don’t be a wangrod to you mates in Tochaltóirí)
3. Don’t bring shame of the guild (don’t be a wangrod in the verse and make people hate on Tochaltóirí)
4. Toe jam is the true mark of a Space Dwarf, cultivate it with pride