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The Onion Corporation / TOCORP

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

The Onion Corporation. if one layer just isn’t enough.


The Onion Corporation has been founded on the 07th of December 2949. Commercial activity was still on hold at this time while assets where acquired and potential business partners where sought out.

On the 22nd May 2952 The Onion Corporation has acquired an Aegis Javelin Destroyer to serve as the flag ship of the Onion Corporation Defense Force, the paramilitary branch of The Onion Corporation. To keep our operations safe and the Verse even safer.


The Onion Corporation is mainly a group of friends, looking for people that are still flying solo and are looking for an open minded, LGBTQA+ friendly group to fly with sometimes. Furthermore we are keeping contact with other Organizations for larger joint operations.

The Onion Corporation is currently not very active as the game we like to play is still under heavy construction. We are still happy to sho new players the ropes. We have no particular focus on any gameplay loop and are looking to do a bit of everything that is fun to us.

There will never be a “forced online” policy. Real life comes first!

Please also consider joining our Discord Server:


To keep our work climate warm and welcoming for everyone, we have established some rules as netiquette in our charter. Everyone within The Onion Corporation is expected to keep theese rules in mind when interacting within our community.

Rule #1 be respectful / friendly
- please respect others as they are. We know that this rule is a little vague, we just want you to consider how you want to be treated and treat others accordingly. Thus respect others opinions, feelings and them in general. If you keep that in mind and agree, then you are basically already following this “rule”.

Rule #2 discrimination is strictly forbidden
- discrimination in any form will result in disciplinary measures up to instant expulsion in extreme cases. (for example but not limited to: discrimination by, -skin color, -sexual orientation, -sexual identity, -origin, -political views, …). Measures taken will be decided case by case by one of our moderators. Though we hope that we never have to.

Rule #3 have fun
- Yes, it’s that simple :D