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Trade Winds Carrier Group / TRADEWINDS

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Security

Starting with my Kraken, growing your fortune and fleet alongside mine through trade and group missions. All play types welcome. No experience necessary. Plenty of action, plenty of spreadsheet gameplay. Join the crew or carrier group part or full-time. Hope to be active(With Hammerhead) in 3.3+.


You start from the bottom and work your way to the top. Sometimes you have help. Sometimes you have friends. Eventually you get to the top together.

I had small ships, then some better ones, some larger ones, now I have a Kraken. I melted most of them for it. I love supporting the game, and love the idea of skillful, organized, rewarding multicrew. I thought my dream ship was a Carrack, but always felt I was waiting for something else. At Citizencon, it came, and I traded up.

If you hadn’t been tracking it, here are some stats from the site, and my own 3D scale testing in Sketchup. The Kraken has at least 3k SCU of cargo space AFTER ship stores(as suggested by other cap ship’s utility storage capacity) It has nine turrets including a pair of size eight guns. It has six landing pads, including one large pad even a hammerhead can theoretically fit on(In scale experiments including landing gear at least). It has two hangar bays that can fit light fighters, or some heavier fighters with the doors open(if that’s possible to do). It has crew quarters, and quarters for each ship “officially” docked to the ship. To fill out some empty space they added a dragonfly bay, which is cool I guess as well ;)

It’s a combat carrier capital ship, it’s a trading capital ship, it’s a mobile cry-astro capital ship. It’s the center of a battle fleet, it’s the center of an armed convoy, it’s a safe harbor among the stars.

But it needs a crew, and other ships in it’s carrier group. That’s where you come in.


Skillful, organized, and rewarding multicrew play. That’s the core. Plenty of time for solo play outside of organized sessions, but the core is learning to make it happen like clockwork as a team. Multicrew missions, trading, and some escort/military support are my target content.

I’ve raided in World of Warcraft for years and years, even raid led from time to time. I’ve been an officer in large guild for years as well. I intend to bring that level of organization and more to our organized play time. I don’t have to be the leader, but I’m ready when necessary.

Specific jobs each player finds fun, tuned reflexes, clear communication, and successful results. This is what Trade Winds stands for. Friendship with other orgs, primarily PvE play, accomplishing goals together, doing content. These are pillars on which the org stands.


Trade Winds Carrier Group is a Star Citizen organization dedicated to supporting many play styles in a friendly way, conducive to enjoyment of the game.

There is an extensive manual for in-game purposes in development. Here are some excerpts as well as some community specific elements not appropriate for that document.


Keep interactions friendly and positive. No politics, no religion. If we have to get more specific, we will.

That said, social skills aren’t the first thing you think of when you think gamers. It’s hard to tell over the internet. All we expect is that if it’s not friendly, positive, or clearly constructive(in a friendly way), you strongly consider keeping it to yourself. This is just a game.

Ranks/Positions within Trade Winds Carrier Group.

Rather than a rigid rank structure at this time, we have themes for crew positions. These also translate to profit sharing. (Work in progress, but fully functional profit sharing document can be found here Save a private copy to mess around with the values. Very much a work in progress)

1. Executive
2. Commander
3. Warrant officer/Area chief
4. Crewman

1. Top leadership on the carrier and in the org are executives. Easy enough.

2. Carrier group multi-crew ship captains, and some carrier officers are executives or commanders depending on their role and place in the org.

3. Some specific jobs that take responsibility for something off the leadership are granted warrant officer or Area Chief status. One warrant officer is basically the finance officer, an area chief example is the Deck Chief or Chief Engineer(though he may be higher rank, he’s still an area chief technically).

4. Other members of the carrier crew and other ships in the carrier group are crewmen(with possible exceptions).