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The Stanton Contracting Company / TSCCO

  • Club
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Social

Welcome to the Stanton Contracting Company. We are an independent organization with a tight bond, dedicated to providing a multitude of services for residents of the Stanton system.


“Born in Conflict”

The Stanton Contracting Company was founded on Microtech in 2951 in the wake of the XenoThreat outlaw incursion into the Stanton system. When the Navy failed to protect the system against these outlaws, our founder signed up with the Civilian Defense Force, where he experienced first hand the strength and bond that formed between the civilians who risked their lives in order to provide support to the military.

After the final battle ended, he found himself surrounded by new comrades who were all emboldened by their victory and eager to make a name for themselves, but at the same time, feeling the vacuum left by no longer having a common goal to work towards.

This lead to the creation of The Stanton Contracting Company, an organization that could serve both as a tight knit community and club for its members, as well as a means for them to find their fortune in the stars, all while providing a range of services for the civilian population of Stanton.


Members First!

One of the primary focuses of The Stanton Contracting Company is to provide a close-knit community to its members. Regardless of our role as a contracting agency, we want to provide a place of cooperation, friendship and belonging. We want to ensure that whenever our members take to the skies, they have allies at their side.

Many Disciplines

We pride ourselves on offering freedom to our members. We have a Laissez-faire approach to our business, encouraging members to take part in the pursuits they find most fulfilling in their own time. With that in consideration, as a contracting company, we strive to provide solutions for private citizens and government bodies in the Stanton system, and encourage our members to make themselves known in order to offer our services, which includes providing combat assistance, bounty hunting and wet work, as well as equipment rentals, and infrastructure support.

Particularly, we offer resource extraction support with our comprehensive fleet of mining, salvage and cargo vessels. We also have a small number or pilots ready and eager for private military contracting services, with fighters in every class, electronic warfare capable heavy fighters, gunships and patrol ships.


Public Charter for The Stanton Contracting Company (TSCCO):


In order to promote community, members are encouraged to fly regularly in the Stanton system, and part of the screening process for prospective members involves ensuring that their presence in the company extends beyond chance encounters once in a great while. That being said, members are not expected to fly at any set time, nor are they expected to remain in the Stanton system on a permanent basis.
[Considering the limited scope of the current game, it is understandable if members take breaks between patches when nothing much happens. All we ask is that you are a player who returns and when doing so, is interested in playing more than just an hour to see what’s changed. We don’t just want a lot of members, we want people to play with!]

Maintaining active participation and assuming responsibilities within the company will grant higher ranks.

TSCCO abides to the local laws in the Stanton system, but is not in the business of doing the Advocacy’s work for them. We realize that contracting services sometimes puts you on the wrong side of the law. If this happens, you are instructed to turn yourself over to the authorities, and report back for duty when you are CrimeStat (CS) free. If your CS rating is the result of company work, contact your superiors, who will do whatever they can to assist you in clearing your name.


Members are free to pursue generated contracts or other profitable activities without any monetary responsibilities to the company.

Members are encouraged to advertise their services when it becomes clear that another player needs assistance.

Members who participate in joint activities will receive a share of profits. The credits will be distributed accordingly:
  • +A base amount will be shared by all participating members.
    +Potential bonuses can given for meritorious service during the activity.
    +For large payouts, usually for assignments with a payout in excess of one million credits, a share will be put aside for the purpose of purchasing equipment and ships for the company and its members.

Rules and Regulations

Do not grief others. ANY instances of griefing, such as spawn camping, pad-ramming, etc. will result in immediate suspension pending an official hearing by senior members, and may result in permanent ejection from TSCCO.

Do not conduct illegal combat or piracy against civilians. Do not attempt to steal vehicles or resources, or in other ways engage in predatory behavior against other players. We wish to maintain a solid reputation, and aggressive behavior not authorized a direct order from superiors, or under contract from other players, is to be met with penalty.

Do not troll or harass other players in the chat in a malicious and undeserved manner. This does not extend to well-spirited arguments. Use your discretion, but play nice.

Respect the chain of command, and operate in accordance. When in doubt about any of the above rules, consult your superior officer.

Joint Operations

Take care when conducting joint operations. Ensure the safety of your fellow members by observing and adhering to the following guidelines:

  • +Watch your fire and avoid injuring your team mates.
    +Provide cover for friendlies and watch each other’s backs.
    +Provide technical assistance for team mates in trouble, and offer equipment such as ammo and medpens for those who need it.
    +Do not take part in joint operations or board TSCCO Fleet ships if you are currently wanted by police, or are carrying illegal material
    +Work together!