Formed in 2009 in an MMO from a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, Our Tuff War has somehow managed to keep a tight nit group of veteran gamers together through years of distractions. While our taste in a good video game differs, our taste in company remains the same, so you may see us flying through space exploring, ganking a helpless newbie, or spinning around in circles trying to figure out how to go up. We stay TUFFF, we stick together, and we always provide content.
Our Tuff War will bring content to its members and anyone who crosses paths with us, despite any odds or rules that may be created to disuade us.
Our Tuff War will never enforce mandatory events, as video games are not meant to be lame like everything else.
Our Tuff War will help its bros out at all times, and remain TUFFF when bros are not around to help.
Our Tuff War will never, in any case, even against overwhelming odds, deserved or not, capitulate.
Don’t be an negative nancy