Deploy, Operate, Conquer.
In year 2021 a group of passionate space explorers, concluded from different parts of Earth, created an unofficial, small community, backed by a small fortunes of individuals and bold plans on taking a rightfull place in oncoming development of Space Industry. Time went by, and as years progressed, so did the technology and human expanse on vast space. The community grew in strengh during the years by recruting new members ,doing many risky operations of exploration and mining, and in later time advancing to a mercenary and military actions. Even that there is a military structure vithin, the leaders are faightful to the tradition of forefathers – respecting the individuals and their freedom to live as they feel fit.
That made the community very flexible and respected. Now we have year 2948 the members of small community during the years created an powerfull organization now known as United Earth Military Operations, to accent the main source of income, but in past called UEST Uncanny Earthlings Spreading Tryouts. So great was the risk of founders and forefathers that was taken, to explore the unknown.
We are a “casual” role play organization meaning we are regular players with a little bit of role play thrown into the mix but we’re not super serious about the role play aspect.
The aim of this organisation is to fulfil a military role within the verse. Providing security to other players or organizations that need it. We are currently recruiting and building the fleet. Below is an objective list for the organisation to follow under the current build of the game.
We are currently looking to fulfil roles within the ORG to have a more well rounded experience when we play. We’re looking for players for the following roles
*Cargo Haulers
In the run up to later patches of the game, we plan to restructure the ORG to be more inline with the gameplay loops intended in future patches. This of course will be exploring our objectives for base building and industry within the ORG to keep us afloat. As more information is released to us on how land claiming will work for base building, we will continue to explore our goals for territory control in which we aim to have purpose and not just building bases in areas to annoy others but to have lay settlement where there will be strategic value to us as an ORG but also to add value to the time we put into the game.