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Roberts Space Industries ®

Umbra Reconnaissance / UMBRALTD

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Scouting
  • Infiltration

We are Umbra. We are the spirits in the darkest shadow.

And we don’t like secrets.

Does your opponent have a dirty little secret that’s keeping them ahead? We can help.

The darkest part of a person’s shadow is closest to their back. This is our AO.


History is being made. We’re here to make sure only the truth makes it into the books.


1. CO’s Intent
The Commanding Officer’s intent is to provide intelligence about third parties to civilian and military paying organisations, including but not limited to disposition, intent, passwords, routines, commercial secrets and financial information.

2. Operational Bounds
We believe no one has a right to keep secrets. However, some secrets are kept for reasons. The disclosure of information that it is deemed could lead to the loss of innocent life is outside of our operational bounds.

3. Rules of Engagement Our RoE are simple. We are not a combat-role organisation. Our mission is to reveal information, and we bear the employees of our target organisations so ill will. Therefore the only circumstance under which we will open fire is in self-defence, and we will prefer to withdraw from an engagement when possible.

4. Method
We will gather intelligence by whatever means available and appropriate. This includes human intelligence (HUMINT) and therefore a key part of our operations is to capture and extract key personnel for interrogation.
