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Roberts Space Industries ®

United Crew Collective / UNITEDCC

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United Crew: One Purpose, Infinite Horizons – Step aboard with us, where our crew unites under one purpose, forging bonds of camaraderie and embarking on an odyssey for those who seek adventure and a shared direction in the boundless expanse of space. (Join Discord)


History of the United Crew Collective

Founding Era

The origins of the United Crew Collective trace back to a defining chapter in the history of the United Earth Empire Navy. Following a prolonged and intense conflict with the Vanduul, the Navy emerged victorious in a crucial battle that changed the course of the war. Among the heroes of this battle were a group of distinguished naval officers and crew members whose exceptional bravery and strategic acumen played a pivotal role in securing humanity’s safety.

In recognition of their extraordinary contributions, these heroes were honored with the highest accolades: citizenship and retirement from active duty. Despite their formal retirement, their commitment to humanity’s protection and their passion for exploring the cosmos remained as strong as ever. They gathered aboard the retired Polaris Capital Ship, UCCS Beacon of Unity, where the founders of the Collective came together to forge a new path. Their vision was clear: to continue the fight against the Vanduul threat while embracing the spirit of exploration that had initially drawn them to the stars.

Thus, the United Crew Collective was born. Our name reflects the unity and collaborative spirit of these founders. “United” signifies our commitment to working as a cohesive team, “Crew” underscores our collaborative roles, and “Collective” highlights our grassroots approach.

A Home Among the Stars

As the vast expanse of space beckoned, the United Crew Collective emerged as a sanctuary for those seeking purpose and community. The Collective offered a welcoming environment for citizens and civilians alike, providing a sense of belonging and adventure. Within this close-knit community, individuals forged lasting connections and shared remarkable experiences as they journeyed together among the stars.

Expansion and Recruitment

The reputation of the United Crew Collective quickly spread across the galaxy, attracting a diverse range of individuals. Former military personnel, traders seeking safe trade routes, mercenaries in search of thrilling contracts, and explorers eager to uncover the universe’s secrets all found a place within the Collective. This diverse membership brought together individuals from various walks of life, united by shared values and common goals. The Collective offered not only a haven for those seeking purpose but also opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Operational Focus

The Collective’s operations are as diverse as its members, encompassing a broad range of activities aimed at exploration, defense, and commerce. From escorting vulnerable convoys to protect them from pirate threats, to conducting deep-space reconnaissance missions into Vanduul territory, the Collective’s crews operate with precision and professionalism. Each mission is meticulously planned and executed, drawing on the unique skills and expertise of its members to uphold the values of unity, courage, and integrity.

Legacy and Continuing Mission

Today, the United Crew Collective stands as a symbol of unity, resilience, and exploration within the Star Citizen universe. Its members, driven by a shared vision and common purpose, navigate the complexities of space with determination and dedication. As they chart their course through the stars, the Collective remains committed to safeguarding humanity’s interests and inspiring future generations to embrace the adventure of space exploration. With unwavering resolve and a dedication to excellence, the United Crew Collective will continue to shape humanity’s destiny among the stars for years to come.

Join Us in Our Journey

In unity, resilience, and exploration, we find our purpose. At the United Crew Collective, we discover our home among the stars. If you share our values and aspirations, we invite you to join us on our journey. Together, we will explore new frontiers, confront new challenges, and forge lasting friendships as we navigate the wonders of the cosmos. Welcome aboard the United Crew Collective—where the adventure begins.

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Manifesto of the United Crew Consortium

Organization Structure:
The United Crew Collective is guided by a democratic council system where decisions are made collaboratively by its members. At the forefront of our leadership are retired officers from the United Earth Empire Navy, who lend their experience and wisdom to guide our endeavors. Under their leadership, various departments are dedicated to overseeing different facets of our operations, ensuring efficiency and accountability. Despite this structured approach, every member’s voice is valued and heard, cultivating a culture of participation and collective decision-making.

Long-Term Goal:
Our ultimate ambition is to establish a commanding presence across the universe, safeguarding humanity’s interests while pushing the frontiers of exploration and discovery. We envision a future where the United Crew Collective stands as a beacon of unity, excellence, and progress in the cosmos.

How We Work:
Operating with integrity, professionalism, and a steadfast commitment to excellence, the United Crew Collective embraces a collaborative and communicative approach. We believe that shared knowledge and collective effort are essential to overcoming any challenge. Our environment fosters innovation and diversity, ensuring that every member has the opportunity to thrive and contribute meaningfully to our shared mission.

What We Offer:
Joining the United Crew Collective means becoming part of a supportive and dynamic community. We provide unparalleled resources and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or new to space exploration, we offer comprehensive training, mentorship, and camaraderie to support your journey. From reliable vessels to cutting-edge equipment, we ensure you have the tools and support needed to make your mark in the cosmos.

What We Need:
We are always seeking individuals who share our values and vision for the future. Whether you are a skilled pilot, an adept trader, a fearless explorer, or a dedicated engineer, there is a place for you in our ranks. We value passion, drive, and a willingness to collaborate towards a common goal. Your talents, experiences, and perspectives are invaluable assets that will contribute to our collective success.

What We Do:
The United Crew Collective engages in a broad spectrum of activities including exploration, defense, commerce, and diplomacy. Our crews are at the forefront of charting uncharted territories, defending against hostile threats, and shaping the future of humanity among the stars. We conduct vital research, establish strategic trade routes, and forge alliances with other organizations—all in pursuit of our long-term goal of creating a brighter future for humanity in the cosmos.

In unity, resilience, and exploration, we find our purpose. In the United Crew Collective, we find our home among the stars. Join us, and together let’s chart a course to a future filled with endless possibilities.

(Join Our Discord)


Charter of the United Crew Consortium

Article I: Founding Principles

1.1 The United Crew Collective (UCC) is founded on the core principles of unity, resilience, and exploration.

1.2 Forged in the heat of conflict with the Vanduul, our organization emerged from the valor and dedication of elite naval officers and crew members of the United Earth Empire Navy.

1.3 Transitioning from active duty, yet remaining steadfast in our commitment to humanity’s protection and the spirit of discovery, we convened aboard the retired Polaris Capital Ship UCCS Beacon of Unity to set a new course through the stars.

Article II: Sanctuary Among the Stars

2.1 For those seeking purpose and belonging in the vast expanse of space, the United Crew Collective offers a sanctuary of camaraderie and support.

2.2 Whether driven by the thrill of adventure, a desire for community, or the need for protection, newcomers find a welcoming home within our ranks.

2.3 In this close-knit network, individuals form lasting bonds and share extraordinary experiences as we traverse the cosmos together.

Article III: Diverse Membership and Opportunities

3.1 The strength of the Collective lies in the rich diversity of its members.

3.2 From ex-military veterans to civilians, traders, mercenaries, and explorers, each member contributes unique skills and perspectives to our collective mission.

3.3 We celebrate this diversity by offering opportunities for personal and professional development to all who join our ranks.

Article IV: Operational Excellence

4.1 In our quests for exploration, defense, and commerce, the United Crew Collective operates with precision, professionalism, and unwavering dedication.

4.2 Whether escorting vulnerable convoys or undertaking deep-space reconnaissance, our crews execute each mission with thorough planning and expert execution.

4.3 United by our values of honor, courage, and unity, we tackle challenges head-on, leveraging the diverse talents of our members to achieve our objectives.

Article V: Legacy and Continuing Mission

5.1 Today, the United Crew Collective stands as a symbol of hope and inspiration within the Star Citizen universe.

5.2 As we navigate the complexities of space, we remain dedicated to protecting humanity’s interests and fostering a spirit of exploration.

5.3 With relentless resolve and boundless ambition, we shape humanity’s future among the stars, inspiring new generations to embrace the adventure that lies beyond the known frontier.

Article VI: Conclusion

In unity, resilience, and exploration, we find our purpose. In the United Crew Collective, we find our home among the stars.

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