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Vincetti's Laundromat & Strip Mining / VLSM

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Transport

“We are running a legitimate business here.” – Don Michael Vincetti


Founded in early 2015, Vincetti’s Laundromat was a forerunner in Southern New Jersey’s competitive “clothes washing” business, removing “red wine” and “other unnecessary items” from customers’ linens. In 2067, then proprietor Don Michael Vincetti saw an opportunity to expand his “cleaning” empire into the vast reaches of space. Quickly jumping from planet to planet, Mr. Vincetti’s trusted “workers” undertook the great and important task of “cleaning” every planet in the known universe. Fortunately, “planetary cleaning” turned out to be a very rewarding industry, even if a bit cutthroat. Today, while Vincetti’s Laundromat & Strip Mining have an interplanetary strip mining business, they haven’t forgotten where they came from. They are still in the “clothes washing” business, and, indeed, have an entire unit dedicated to removing “red wine” from customers. The business now offers a new service to only its most loyal customers. This new service has some of our trustworthy laundromat employees come to wherever our valued customer is and pick up their dirty laundry. We can then take their laundry to a location of their choice after it has been cleaned.


Who’s asking?


Rights and Responsibilities

Members are entitled to the following rights, which shall be enforced by VLSM leadership:

  • Right to be treated with respect by fellow faction members.
  • Right to play the game in an environment which encourages fun, and punishes harassment.
  • Right to have personal beliefs respected.
  • Right to fair trial by VLSM leadership in the event a rule is broken.

Members are expected to uphold themselves to the following rules & responsibilities:

  • Do nothing to infringe on the rights of members as detailed above. Infringing on the rights of other members is punishable by exile or death, depending.
  • Do not disclose any information deemed confidential.
  • Be polite and courteous to fellow members, and when applicable, also to members of the general public.
  • Cooperate with VLSM leadership and their instructions, assuming it would not present an undue risk to personnel, assets, or real life commitments to do so.
  • Keep your actions in line with the interests of VLSM and its members. Neglecting and/or purposefully damaging the assets or the reputation of VLSM or any of its members will not be tolerated.
  • Do your best to come to the aid of fellow members if urgent and justifiable aid is needed, assuming it would not present an undue risk to personnel, assets, or real life commitments to do so.

Structure of VLSM

The Don and Consigliere

At the top level, The Don and his Consigliere will shape the direction of VLSM by making the hard decisions, like going to war with another Org or deciding if we should enter into a high-risk job that would require commitment of massive resources.


They will also be in responsible for the general management of the organization, such as recruitment, event creation and management, crisis response, managing inter-organizational diplomacy, and handling internal matters which can’t be resolved by the Caporegime. Generally most of these issues will be handled by an Underboss.


Caporegime are Soldato who have distinguished themselves as strong leaders. They are typically in charge of running smaller jobs.


Soldato play similar roles to Associates, but have proven themselves to be reliable and effective.


Associates are the vast bulk of the VLSM membership. They are our general rank & file members, they are our soldiers, traders, industrialists and everyone else.


Recruits are provisional members who undergo a fairly brief trial period before they are accepted as full members. This may involve a waiting period on certain privileges and perks, but recruits are generally otherwise treated as Associates.

Participation and Earnings

The primary focus of VLSM will be mining everywhere we can, as fast as we can. This includes transporting resources from the mining site to a marketplace, by any means necessary. Though the leadership of VLSM will encourage all members to take part in mining/transport work when they’re able, mandatory participation of members will rarely be the policy of VLSM. With that in mind, it is important to note that only those who actively participate in the completion of a job will receive a cut of the profits.