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Void Boyz / VOIDBYZ

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome to the Void Boyz, a coalition of freelance pilots in the verse.

“The void is not a place of emptiness, but of endless possibilities and uncharted adventures for those who seek it”


In the vast and uncharted expanses of the verse, the “Void Boyz” carved their name into stars as a beacon for those who crave freedom and adventure. The ragtag band of freelance pilots emerged from the vision Kilroyx, a former UEE pilot turned skilled contractor, who saw a void in the galaxy offering endless opportunity. Disillusioned by the rigid structure and bureaucracy of the United Empire of Earth, Kilroyx sought a more liberated lifestyle.

He gathered a diverse group of misfits and mavericks, each with a unique and valuable skillset, united by a shared desire for autonomy and the thrill of the unknown. Thus, the Void Boyz were born, with an ethos that valued every pilot’s freedom above all else, ensuring no member was bound by obligations, only the promise of equal profits and unparalleled adventures.

The Void Boyz quickly garnered a reputation across the verse as a force to be reckoned with. Known to take on any job, from cargo running to salvage claims and high-risk extractions, driven by a blend of pragmatism and thirst for adventure. Unorthodox leadership fostered an environment of mutual respect for a job well executed and camaraderie amongst free agents collaborating toward equally beneficial goals. Their lifestyle attracted skilled pilots and contractors from across the verse who valued both independence and a sense of belonging.

Their emblem, a lone star against a backdrop of black, became a symbol for free pilots everywhere – an insignia representative of their creed that the void was not a place of emptiness, but of endless possibilities and uncharted adventures for those who seek it.


Welcome to the Void Boyz

About Us

  • Inclusive of all players (not just “Boyz”)
  • Casual group of players who enjoy collaborating on missions together
  • Discord is primary VoIP method at this time. Not a requirement but highly recommended
  • All players looking for contracts are welcome, no obligations or time requirements for members
  • Emphasis on adventure, fun, and profits
  • No requirements to join the organization to participate in game or on Discord (but encouraged!)
  • Equal opportunity contractors pooling resources and skill sets to complete all manners of jobs/contracts throughout the verse
  • Open to any and all contract work offered in Star Citizen.
  • Lawful and Illegal in game activities permitted: Plausible deniability if you get caught!
  • Contract work payment is negotiable per the contracts owner
  • Majority of members are PST at the moment, but not restrictive of time zone
  • English speaking group
  • All org UEC funds are donation based and allocated toward org events

Discord Link


Community Rules:

  • Agree to disagree
  • Refrain from contemptible behavior toward fellow members and others. We’re all here to have fun.
  • No breaking RSI TOS