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Solaris Interplanetary Rangers / WERSOLARIS

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Resources

In the abyssal expanse of space, we push the frontier forward.

We are an interdisciplinary organization, focused on structured teamwork and altruistic intentions. We welcome those who share our vision of bringing order to the lawless borders of our beloved universe.


The Solaris Interplanetary Rangers, or SIR for short, were founded by [REDACTED] in the [REDACTED]. Since then, the members have pledged themselves to serving the galaxy and the UEE as an auxiliary force. Venturing far out into the uncharted territories, skirmishing with creatures and scum alike, SIR established themselves as the defenders of the weak, providers for the poor, and the enforcers of the law.


The Solaris Interplanetary Rangers are the frontiersmen of the ‘verse.

We are polite.

We are cooperative.

We are relentless.

Our goal is to establish law and order in the backwaters of space, seeking to aid those in need, and smite all who dare bring harm to the innocent.


In Solaris Interplanetary, we are committed to fostering an inclusive, respectful, and safe environment for all participants. We believe that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect, and we expect all members to adhere to the following Charter:

Respect: Treat all members with respect and kindness, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, physical appearance, or any other characteristic.

Harassment-Free Environment: Harassment and discrimination in any form, including but not limited to verbal, physical, or sexual harassment, will not be tolerated. This includes offensive comments, unwelcome advances, and any other behavior intended to intimidate, demean, or create a hostile environment.

Professionalism: Maintain a professional demeanor in all interactions, whether online or in person. Personal attacks, derogatory remarks, and disruptive behavior are unacceptable.

Privacy: Respect the privacy of others and refrain from sharing personal information without consent.

Conflict Resolution: Address conflicts and disagreements constructively and respectfully. If conflicts arise, seek resolution through open communication and dialogue.

Exclusion of Political and Religious Discussions: Solaris Interplanetary Rangers and all of its communication platforms are apolitical, and as such, discussions related to politics and religion are not permitted. We strive to maintain a focus on our shared interests and goals without engaging in divisive topics.

Reporting Violations: If you witness or experience behavior that violates this code of conduct, please report it to Strategic and High Command.

Consequences of Violations: Violations of this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to warnings, temporary or permanent bans from Solaris Interplanetary Rangers, and reporting to appropriate authorities if necessary.

Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously improving our Charter and fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity. Your feedback and suggestions for improvement are welcome.

By participating in and engaging with Solaris Interplanetary Rangers, you agree to uphold this Charter.

Furthermore, to uphold the organizational culture, all members are to be addressed in the ‘verse as “SIR [Name],” as a sign of respect for the fellow Rangers.