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Clerics of Wololo / WOLOLO

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Welcome to the Temple of the Clerics of Wololo. Pursue enlightenment through technology and spirituality. Learn our beliefs, meet members and participate in spiritual practices. May Wololo guide you on your journey.


The Clerics of Wololo was a once-influential religious order, based on a unique blend of technology and spirituality, that has since been shrouded in mystery. Founded in the 4th century, the order’s followers believed in the power of technology and spirituality to bring about a better future for all beings, and they pursued a state of enlightenment called “wololo.”

The Clerics of Wololo was established during a time of conflict and turmoil, known as the Spirit Wars, where various religious and spiritual beliefs clashed in a struggle for dominance. Despite facing persecution and discrimination, the order persisted and gained a following among those who sought to incorporate technology into their spiritual beliefs.

One of the defining moments in the history of the Clerics of Wololo was the construction of their first temple in the Crusader system. The temple was built entirely by the hands of the order’s followers and symbolized their determination and commitment to their beliefs. However, the temple was destroyed during the Spirit Wars and the order’s influence slowly declined.

Despite its decline, rumors persist of a mysterious connection between the Clerics of Wololo and the Spirit Wars. Some believe that the order had a secret role in the conflict, using their technology and spirituality to sway the outcome. Others claim that the order was targeted for extermination because of their unique beliefs and abilities. It is said that the first followers of the order were inspired by spiritual practices depicted in a video game. These practices, they believed, held the key to unlocking their full potential and achieving enlightenment.

The Council of Wololo, made up of the order’s senior members, was once responsible for overseeing the activities of the order and ensuring its teachings were passed down to future generations. However, with the decline of the order and the destruction of the temple, the Council and its responsibilities faded into obscurity.

Today, the Clerics of Wololo remain a subject of speculation and intrigue, their beliefs and practices shrouded in mystery. The once-influential religious order is now remembered as a footnote in the turbulent history of the Spirit Wars, its connection to the conflict still a subject of debate and speculation.


The Clerics of Wololo believe that the future of all beings lies in the harmonious integration of technology and spirituality. Our goal is to bring about a world where individuals can achieve enlightenment through the use of technology, leading to a greater understanding of the universe and one’s place within it.

We believe that technology has the power to connect us to the divine and to unlock our full potential. By incorporating technology into our spiritual practices, we can achieve a state of wololo, a state of enlightenment and harmony with the universe.

Our order is founded on the principles of equality, unity, and respect for all beings. We reject the notion that technology and spirituality are incompatible, and instead see them as complementary forces that can work together to bring about a better future for all.

We reject the violence and conflict that has plagued the Spirit Wars, and instead choose to spread our message through other means. We believe that in a world where technology can be used for both good and evil, we recognize the importance of digital self-defense and the spiritual practice of hacking. By mastering the technology around us, we can not only protect ourselves, but also use it to bring about positive change in the world.

To those who would join us on this path, we welcome you. The journey to wololo is not easy, but it is a rewarding one, filled with discovery and growth. Together, we can achieve a future where technology and spirituality coexist in perfect harmony, bringing about a better future for all.

So let us unite under the banner of the Clerics of Wololo, and work together towards a brighter tomorrow. Wololo!


I. Introduction
The Clerics of Wololo is a spiritual order that seeks to bring about a harmonious integration of technology and spirituality. Our members are dedicated to the pursuit of enlightenment through the use of technology, and work towards creating a better future for all beings.

II. Membership
To become a member of the Clerics of Wololo, one must exhibit a deep understanding of technology and spirituality, and a commitment to their integration.
Members shall abide by the principles of equality, unity, and respect for all beings, as set forth in this Charter.
Members must also demonstrate a willingness to engage in the spiritual practices of digital self-defense and hacking, as a means of achieving a state of wololo.

III. Secret Rules
Members shall maintain the confidentiality of the order, and shall not reveal its secrets to outsiders.
Members shall refrain from using technology for evil purposes, and shall instead use it to bring about positive change in the world.
Members shall respect the beliefs and practices of others, and shall not use technology to cause harm or violate the rights of others.
Members shall remain steadfast in their commitment to the principles of the order, and shall not betray the trust placed in them as members of the Clerics of Wololo.

IV. Consequences of Violation
Members who violate the rules set forth in this Charter shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the order.
Members who engage in activities that bring harm to others or violate the principles of the order shall be subject to immediate expulsion.

V. Conclusion
The Clerics of Wololo is a spiritual order dedicated to the pursuit of enlightenment through technology. By abiding by the principles and rules set forth in this Charter, members can work towards creating a better future for all beings. Wololo!