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Thirty-K / ZERODAY

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Infiltration
  • Freelancing

Never go in without a backdoor.




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Who we are.

We are Thirty-K, otherwise known as The Zero-Day.
We are a secret hidden freelance collective of skilled technologists and Grey-Hat Hackers who specialize in everything Technological and Cyberspacial.
This also means we are a large threat in any combat, ground, internal, or space revolving or including Tech or Electronic war.
We prioritize stealth and pinpoint accuracy as well as (when calculated) heavy hitting brute force and shock-strikes that leave a message or a difference.

What we believe.

We believe that true victory is not obtained until influence has been completely and vastly spread throughout the enemy, as well as there being no area left un-compromised and controlled by our operations.

We also believe that the power of the Net should be accessible to all, and no grubby corps should solely hold any of that power, whether it’s solely on the Net, or a place in realspace, unfairly controlled by a corporate body.

We are against malicious groups who basely profit off of the misfortune and exploitation of the common people such as pirate factions, and we provide a safe haven of protection for those who actively rise up against the corruption of jurisdictions such as Hurston located in the Stanton System.

All hackers and technologists are welcome to Thirty-K, as long as you are skilled and do not lose sight of our goals.




A definitive list of rules will be added.
For now, read the oath.

Oath of Loyalty and Confidentiality for Thirty-K AKA ZeroDay.

As a member of the Thirty-K and ZeroDay, I hereby solemnly swear to uphold the following principles and values, and to maintain the highest level of privacy, confidentiality, and loyalty to the collective and its members.

I swear not to cause disruption within my brothers’ and sisters’ operations, to never abandon or betray those who reside in our family, to respect the Star Citizen community in communication and general activity, to treat every member with equal and mutual respect and vehemently assist every member if possible and if it benefits the wellbeing of the collective and/or its members, to hone my skills as a hacktivist, technologist, or operative to better help my own, to help the innocent and hard-working civilian population when in need of assistance with tech and/or comms (on our own terms), to FIGHT against corruption whether in large governments and/or greedy corporations and groups barring areas off from the public for toll, and to ultimately never go in without a backdoor.

Now that the boring formalities are over we hope to see you in the Deepnet.