Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Imperium / IMPERIUM

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Resources
  • Exploration

Welcome to the Imperium organization page.

Feel free to read about our Organization below and if you wish to join us:

Apply in our Discord to become a member today!



The origin of Imperium goes back to the 11th of October, 2012. Our original founder, Gallitin, rolled out the Star Citizen Base forum as a place for fans of Chris Roberts and his various games to get together and talk about this new and ambitious project. Out of that forum, pre-dating even Star Citizen crowdfunding pages, grew a gaming community that is the oldest known Star Citizen-specific organization: Imperium.

As the Star Citizen community grew, we became one of the largest organizations very rapidly, with our focus on building community and connections within Star Citizen. We were the first organization to reach the multiple thousands number, and from 2012 until the present, we’ve been one of the largest and most dedicated Star Citizen communities.

With that growth came a desire for direction, and our leadership decided that our goal in the ‘verse would be to bring stability to lawless regions and generate pvp for our members by taking a staunchly anti-pirate stance. Thus we were one of the founding organizations of the oldest known coalition, PACT (Powers Against Common Threats), a coalition of organizations dedicated to the cause of anti-piracy. As time has gone on, while many organizations have gone dormant, Imperium has remained active, with a dedicated group of members and staff, constantly building and improving our community.

Why join Imperium?

While the game is being developed we would like to build one of the most dedicated and organized groups in the Star Citizen Universe. We will be able to accomplish much in the initial stages of Star Citizen’s release and carve out our own piece of the Verse’ just for Imperium.

We are looking for responsible players to contribute to all the professions that Star Citizen will offer. As the game draws closer, we will fill our leadership positions with members who demonstrate motivation, knowledge and sensibility.

What We Offer:

  1. Mutual respect to everyone, member or ally. We will work together with our friends and allies to create an enjoyable experience in the Star Citizen Universe.
  2. We are one of the largest structured international organizations, with active members from all around the globe.
  3. The option to join or create an Imperium unit for you and your friends that have shared interests in various game mechanics.
  4. A unique mission system and LFG tool that will be hosted on SCB for any star citizen and Imperium member to use.

How to Join:

  1. To Apply, join our Discord and follow instructions in the “How to join Imperium” channel.


While the game is being developed we would like to build one of the most dedicated and organized groups in the Star Citizen Universe. We will be able to accomplish much in the initial stages of Star Citizen’s release and carve out our own piece of the ‘Verse just for Imperium.

Imperium Mission

Imperium’s overall goal is to have fun in Star Citizen. However, this does not mean that we will not strive to be one of the best. At launch, Imperium plans acquire an area in fringe(null-sec) space to establish our operations and expand.

We will find a beneficial location that will allow us to have a prosperous economy in the game, enabling us access to a variety of materials. This will allow our explorers to find the minerals, miners to extract, transports to move, and military to protect.

We will create a military force that strives to be second to none. While we may command large numbers, we won’t be superior for that fact alone. A training program is in the works for specific ships, scenarios, and professions in StarCitizen that will adapt to changes in the ‘verse.

Our fleet will be a home for any and all pilots that are like minded and willing to contribute to the organization. An additional aspect we have to offer is our Unit System. Units are not mandatory, but encouraged for groups of friends who share similar interests and the same play time. Units will eventually be able to take on missions as a group, putting their training as a unit against any threats that attempt to rise up against Imperium.

We have already established a solid foundation from which to stand, now we need only you to continue building!

How to Join:

  1. To Apply, join our Discord and follow instructions in the “How to join Imperium” channel.



It is important to remember that your decisions and actions do not only reflect upon yourself but also upon those around you.
Therefore, members of Imperium must adhere to our policies in order to remain within our ranks. These rules, guidelines, and expectations are here for the benefit of each individual member as well as Imperium as a whole. They will ensure that we represent both ourselves and our brethren in a manner that is fit and becoming of an elite, coordinated and organized group. It is the responsibility of each member to follow the Code of Conduct.

Imperium Code of Conduct

  1. Don’t be a dick. Don’t start drama.
    1. Members must respect and show each other kindness, understanding, tolerance, and patience.
    2. Absolutely no bullying, racism, sexism, or other forms of prejudice anywhere.
    3. No Doxxing
  2. All main members must represent Imperium at all times using proper Imperium tags (avatars, signatures, etc.). This applies to RSI and SCB forums, Spectrum, Discord, and any other public or private mediums related to Star Citizen.
  3. Members must not take important matters into their own hands, such as diplomatic talks with other organizations, and are expected to refrain from making any comments or decisions counter to Imperium’s values.
  4. Members are expected to maintain the privacy of information related to the fleet and its members by not discussing said information privately or in publicly available mediums. This includes but is not limited to: the SCB forums, Spectrum, Portal, and Discord.
  5. Issues and concerns regarding Imperium decisions, members, and allies must be brought to the attention of the Human Resources division privately. Members should avoid public confrontations and internal arguments at all costs as it will reflect poorly upon Imperium.
  6. If you encounter any negative posts attacking Imperium, no matter the platform, do not engage. Instead, forward the post to a member of Human Resources.
  7. When interacting with other Imperium members, both in and out of the game, the CoC always applies.

Imperium Fleet Expectations

  1. Piracy is not tolerated. Imperium has determined and will recognize the definition of piracy as referring to a person, persons, group, or organization that meet one or more of the following criteria unless otherwise accounted for:
    1. Committing an unsolicited act of force, intimidation, theft, coercion, or extortion toward individuals, property, and other assets without relevant legitimate cause.
    2. Actively declaring themselves to be an organization or individual in support of piracy, that engages in piracy, or engages in activities that are exclusively piratical in nature.
    3. Actively declared by the UEE Advocacy or other governmental law enforcement agency to be guilty of engaging in piracy.
  2. Imperium members are expected to have Imperium as their primary organization. Setting Imperium to affiliate will result in loss of rank and permissions associated with being a full Imperium member.
  3. Members bear the right to defend themselves, Imperium, other members, and our allies from any acts of aggression that may take place in the game.
  4. Under no circumstances will it be deemed acceptable to engage allied forces.
  5. Cheating and exploitation, whether through third-party programs or bugs found within the game are highly unacceptable.

Our Stance on Memberships

  1. Imperium is accepting both recruits that wish to become full members as well as affiliates that wish to join our StarCitizenBase community.
  2. You may join other organizations as an affiliate if their goals are not in conflict with Imperium’s CoC and Fleet Expectations. (If you are unsure about one of your affiliations contact HR)

Read the instructions below to join as a full member (or as an SCB affiliate member) today!

How to Join:

  1. To Apply, join our Discord and follow instructions in the “How to join Imperium” channel.

How to Appeal a ban:

To appeal any form of Moderation, including bans, please use the Help Desk on our Discord.