Ship Look

Vote for your Favorite Ship in the 'Verse!

It's time for the Live Showdown! The top 16 ships selected by you will now clash in daily head-to-head battles, all with the goal of crowning the ultimate aerospace champion! Those 16 ships will also be available to pledge throughout the tournament, and the Elite Eight will be available to FREE FLY from September 8th through September 15th.

Your vote matters. The top four ships will also receive in-game trappings exclusive to them and their pilots, revealed later this year, while the ultimate winner will secure its place as this year's paragon of aerospace domination, and go down in history as the fourth annual Ship Showdown Champion with your help.

Today's Face Off

From now until September 15, the community’s top 16 flyable ships go head-to-head for a shot at aerospace infamy. Check back each day to see the matchup, vote for your favorites, and see which ships come out on top.

Tournament Overview

  • Round 1

  • Round 2

  • Semi-Finals

  • Finals

  • Champion

Ship Showdown Submission Archives

Look back and explore the Ship Showdown creative community submissions!

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