
[All Waves PTU] Star Citizen Alpha 4.0.1 PTU.9487629 Patch Notes

January 16th at 5:53 pm

[All Waves PTU] Star Citizen Alpha 4.0.1 PTU.9487629 Patch Notes

January 16th at 5:53 pm

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 4.0.1

Alpha Patch 4.0.1 has been released onto the PTU!  Patch should now show: VERSION 4.0.1-PTU.9487629.

Characters in this new environment have been built from Long Term Persistence(LTP) data.
Currently with LTP, certain player states such as personal hangar layout, custom characters, and in-game purchased consumables are not saved between releases which will cause some items to be lost in the next update.

Server Info: PTU Channel - US Servers
Audience: All Backers
Long Term Persistence: Enabled 
Mesh Configuration: 5:5:500
Hangar Spawning: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 15,000,000

Testing/Feedback Focus

  • Stability, Performance, and Bugfix Testing
  • Save Stanton Chapter 2 Event in Pyro

Updates to Save Stanton Ch 2
Chapter 2 of Save Stanton will run throughout the PTU phases in 4.0.1. This is a continuation of the event from 3.24.3 into the Pyro side of events.
  • Fixed - PU - Pyro - Phase 6 - Missions / mobiGlas - WipeOutLocations mission objective incorrectly states to clear the exterior of AI when the AI within the interior of the base also need to be eliminated
  • Fixed - PU - Pyro - Phase 6 - Missions / AI - Ship AI float above the planet surface and do not engage the player
  • Fixed - PU - Pyro - Phase 6 - Missions - DestroySupplyLines contract does not complete after eliminating all targets

Save Stanton Chapter 2 missions are designed to be reputation locked to the faction you are working towards and due to this, the missions for the event will not be sharable to avoid cross-reputation issues

Known Issues

Important! For tonight's build the Jump Tunnels will not fully work and kick players out shortly after entering. Please avoid using them tonight as we will work on these for Friday.
  • PU - Pyro - Courier - Mission Content / UI - Boxes are not marked upon accepting the mission
  • PU - Cargo - Hauling Missions - Warehouse orders not counting collected & delivered cargo correctly
  • PU - Cargo Hauling - Mission Content / Mission Refactor / Game Code - Supplies will remain in players warehouse and not successfully deliver
  • PU - Stanton - Locations - Hurston / Rappel - Storage Kiosk - Can't Interact with Storage Kiosk
  • Multivehicle - PU - Vehicles / Exploit - Fuel - Hydrogen and Quantum fuels are not depleted from fuel tanks when performing normal flight or Quantum Travel
  • AC - Pirate Swarm / INS Jericho - AI - Enemy AI does not spawn and will eventually get a disconnection Error: 30000
  • PU - Starlight Service Station - Elevator Terminals / Locations - Calling for Starlight hangar elevator from the hangar may cause you to teleport into an empty elevator shaft
  • PU - Stanton - New Babbage / Lorville / Orison / Area18 – Locations / Transit – Trains are popping in when they arrive
  • PU - Actor - Personal Inventory / Storage Access - Loot Box / Armor - Interactions / PIT Wheel - Helmets that are carried then dropped via PIT menu will disappear/become lost
  • PU - Pyro - R&R Station - Stanton Gateway Station - Locations / Shopping - All shops in Galleria are missing items on shelves and in Kiosk
  • PU - Pyro - Frontier Outposts - XS Outpost - Locations / Art / Tech - XS Outpost Main Building interior and Storage Shed interior is missing multiple assets and collision
  • PU - Pyro - Asteroid Bases - Hangar - Locations / Collision - The collision for the hangar doors does not stream in until the player is inside the hangar
  • PU - Pyro - Mission Refactor - Hauling - Mission Content / Reputation - Players are able to access the other intro missions after completing one for a different Org
  • PU - Stanton - Shopping / Selling / Cargo - Commodity Kiosks - Commodity kiosks are empty preventing any purchases or sales
  • PU - mobiGlas - UI - Contract Manager - Contracts can overlap with sections below them when expanded
  • PU - Pyro - Physics - Locations - Contested Zones (CZ) - Plastic Curtains have solid collisions against projectiles and cannot be passed through if ADS
  • RSI Polaris - PU - Vehicles - VLM - Occasionally lose Components By Pressing A New Insurance Claim or Repairing A Damaged Polaris
  • Contested Zones - Weapon intersecting with the ground

Features & Gameplay

  • Locations
- Added Harvestables to Acidic Caves
  • Ships and Vehicles
- Moved Missile Warning Implementation to Advanced Hud Alerts

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed - PU - Backend Services / UI - When kicked to main menu after encountering an error, the user is locked on a black screen until the error is acknowledged
  • Fixed - PU - Pyro - Rundown Stations - Cargo Center wall missing collision, allows CZ bypass access (STARC-152737)
  • Fixed - PU - Locations / Art - Terra Gateway station has misplaced geometry at landing pad (STARC-98776)
  • Fixed - Sabre Comet wrong Color (STARC-131037)
  • Fixed - PU - Mission Refactor - Mission Content / Locations - Destroy Items Narcotics - Narcotics are not present in mission location
  • Fixed - Crusader Mercury Star Runner - PU - Vehicles - Physics - Collision - Player can fall through the bed area in Habitation due to missing collision
  • Fixed - Multivehicle - AC - Vehicles / AI - PDC Turrets not shooting at ships if the player is seated in the pilot seat and in an Online game mode (STARC-139933)


  • Fixed 5 Client Crashes
  • Fixed 4 Server Crashes


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January 16th at 9:22 pm
January 16th at 9:22 pm
Another patch another time asking to absolutely prioritize the cargo hauling missions and warehouse issues, please.

EDIT: since a few on my post are butthurt AF and claim I'm selfish, I am mainly talking about the warehousing issues that MAINLY impact cargohauling, obviously it impacts soooo many other loops too.
January 16th at 9:27 pm
January 16th at 9:27 pm
Under known issues:

PU - Pyro - Courier - Mission Content / UI - Boxes are not marked upon accepting the mission
PU - Cargo - Hauling Missions - Warehouse orders not counting collected & delivered cargo correctly
PU - Cargo Hauling - Mission Content / Mission Refactor / Game Code - Supplies will remain in players warehouse and not successfully deliver
PU - Pyro - Mission Refactor - Hauling - Mission Content / Reputation - Players are able to access the other intro missions after completing one for a different Org

they're working on it, baby lol
January 16th at 9:34 pm
January 16th at 9:34 pm
I can read. My message reads to give it the highest possible priority, because it's a very critical issue for a very big part of the playerbase and much more important than light polishes on various other things.
January 16th at 9:40 pm
January 16th at 9:40 pm
Yes we need this and interdiction to be fixed so that I can go back to doing some cargo inspections!
January 17th at 3:50 am
January 17th at 3:50 am
Are cargo inspections a thing or are you talking about piracy?
January 16th at 10:53 pm
January 16th at 10:53 pm
Definately not the highest prio
January 16th at 11:19 pm
January 16th at 11:19 pm
Why should they do that? Curious as to your reasoning. Why are those particular missions the highest priority?
January 17th at 5:11 am
January 17th at 5:11 am
He's one of those people who thinks HIS gameplay style is the most important. YAWN.
Mercurio Morat@Mercurio-Morat
January 17th at 9:59 am
January 17th at 9:59 am
It's the warehousing that needs prioritising because that affects so many gameloops and missions - but the hauling missions are the best example and seem to be the quickest way to break the warehousing side of things if enough people are on the shard.

Sadly, I wasn't able to break it today - but there were less than 200 on the shard when I looked so the load's light and most are probably over in Pyro.
January 17th at 12:09 am
January 17th at 12:09 am
You think a single game loop should be put at the highest priority over the dozen other game loops?

Combat balance,
and more....

You think hauling missions holds a higher priority than all these other mission types?
January 17th at 12:12 am
January 17th at 12:12 am
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, that you don't agree with what I am asking is neither my problem, nor do I care. I am voicing a concern that a very big part of the playerbase has, that's all I care about.
January 17th at 12:25 am
January 17th at 12:25 am
Well hauling is kinda the only way for people to start populating their wallets without having to resort to combat. So yeah, I'd say its probably high on the list to fix.
Mercurio Morat@Mercurio-Morat
January 17th at 5:41 am
January 17th at 5:41 am
  • Fruit and vegetable gathering
  • Investigation
  • Mining
  • Salvage (scraping)
  • Scrapping (component retrieval)
  • Scavenging (outpost burglary)
  • Refuelling
  • Repair
  • Hauling
Warehousing is absolutely central to all of the above - except combat which has had vastly more than its fair share of attention.



This has been broken from the start by insufficient spawns (possibly render failures) in the corresponding biomes. There's not much to say. How can one report something like this without a clear indication in the patch notes of how much should be seen as a bare minimum and something actually showing up in the right biome? Other than the golden medmons which used to spawn inappropriately in the snow-covered hills out back of NBIS (and corrected within the same quarter as seen on video) I've never seen any harvestables spawn outside caves, lootboxes, and the newer style of outpost.



Investigation hasn't yet had an adequate representation of the mystery genre in the mission system so that a variety of evidence-based investigations can be generated on the fly - not just that one Covalex mission and the broken missing person searches which, themselves, are technically treasure hunt genre, not mystery so need separate treatment (perhaps under search and rescue instead of 'investigation' with the occasional live one to bring home). The key issue, here, is that if someone doesn't want to have to go through the game log to find out who killed their character, there's no investigation quest to go out and pick over the evidence and do some forensics to solve 'whodunnit' - which is what should happen before pressed charges can be prosecuted and a bounty ordered.

Pressed charges, by the way, sorely need to go to the Pending list and not be limited to the vagaries of the messaging system when it can be reasonably expected that the user is using the considerable intermission to make espresso, a meal, clear the sink, mow the lawns, go on potty-break or any number of the foregoing.

There'll be plenty of takers for the PK whodunnit mission and, of course, if someone other than the murder victim completes the investigation, the door can be left open for the revived murder victim to purchase the report for something modest but not too over the top - maybe 8k - with the 8k adding a little bonus to the 80k payout if we're talking rookie investigator. Of course, rank is tied to rep in this minigame and rep is tied to how often the investigator gets it right; as opposed to getting it wrong - which should always be a possibility, just not an RNG possibility. The key here is to leave the door open for generalisation (e.g. "all Gladius pilots are murder hobos"), conflation (e.g. "a shot across the bow is the same thing as a shot to the bow"), and confabulation (e.g. "the presence of motive and opportunity dictates means"). It also would make sense to draw a suspect pool from who's in the area, at the time; which can be narrowed down forensically - e.g. like using physical evidence to connect the suspect to the weapon used (e.g. DNA) and to establish that the weapon in question was actually used for the purpose being investigated (e.g. scorch chemistry, projectile stria, casing marks). The answer is already logged, so it only remains to systematise the details into a dynamic quest/mission system.


Missing Person Mission Reskinned: Treasure Hunting

While we're seeing the search and rescue variation of the treasure hunt, why not hide some 24 and 32 scu containers filled with goodies and UEC chits around the place with the odd pirate treasure map turning up with clues, substitution ciphers or, if you're game, the occasional cryptic system set of clues (based on the actual art used in cryptic crossword puzzles - not the anecdotal 'well, it seems to mean that to me thing'). There's a lot you can do with these and, of course, treasure maps would make sense turning up in pirate bunkers, conflict zones, on pirate corpses (following a bounty) and the odd lootbox at outposts and shelters adjacent to pirate properties. Sure, it's only a loot-goblin thing but, in case you haven't noticed the activity around bunkers, Star Citizen has a lot of loot goblins who'd probably love to have more to do than just go body-snatching at yet another bunker.



It's good to see that deposits will be tied to landscape in the Genesis system when it comes out. The idea of linking mineralisation chemistry to mineral suites on one side of this equation and orebody structure (the shape of the deposit or shape of the deposit's distribution) is key to making this something visceral which can sometimes, but not always, be read from the landscape by an experienced or skilled eye. That's very much a big part of how the prospecting game is percieved and would round out mining by shaping key approaches to prospecting according to what a lot of the kinds of people who choose mining would like to be able to do in a game.

However, mining itself needs a complete overhaul to separate out ore separation as a separate process or activity and actually give something medium mining ships can do which small mining ships can't (ore separation). The means setting up dirtside facilities for ore separation services for small mining ships and extending this service into Pyro while pulling large scale venture capital infrastructure, such as refineries, back to systems which aren't at war with themselves. And for the Sanity of Sheogorath, have refineries and ore concentration services search the inventory and mining bags for ore (including containers) not just ships or we'll wind up with the whole thing falling on it's face the moment someone takes the next logical step of making ore available to fill empty containers such as store-all boxes.



Too much messing around, not enough reward. If people are going to want to pay for the service, it shouldn't be up to them to screw around and line up with the fuel nozzle like they're Clint Eastwood flying Firefox. It should be like any other everyday thing. Land near or pull up to a tanker - and the attendant guides the nozzle into place or, on the ground, just walks it up and plugs it in. No big deal. This minigame's already hard enough given that the refuelller is at the mercy of every Tom, Dick, and Harriette who's drunk enough to act out. It might be better if the main business for tankers isn't refuelling players in the middle of nowhere but getting rep and aUEC from maintaining stock levels across key depots.



I'm thinking of the Vulcan and it's not Flight Ready yet. That said, the initial concept is as out of touch with the way Star Citizens play as refuelling and needs to be tied to locations, perhaps remote locations, which have security but no repair services. If we're talking about clusters of outposts or stations within five minutes of oneanother, a player could land, order services, start loading, maybe go in for a bite and, in the time it takes for any of the above, the repairer could turn up and work the magic. The trick is to do this with an NPC whenever a player repairer isn't available and, what can I say? Bob's your uncle!

That said, I could see a player getting very busy if going from hangar to hangar with a Vulcan at Seraphim or Baijini Point. But the Vulcan isn't quite in yet so this is something I think should be kept in mind for when that day comes.


Tugboat Duty

Uhm, where did that go? Maybe Newtonian mechanics need to be brought back so that tow-ship operators (e.g. the SRV) have something to do; e.g. stabilising precessing wrecks on the drift for the salvage system to offer to salvage crews.


Salvage and Scrapping

Can't say much for salvage other than having heard it's a little out of balance. Initially the volume and value of RMC made a lot of sense to me due to its broad applications and corresponding demand compared with a potentially rich collection of sources. I would suggest, in addition to wrecks, that RMC be assigned a recipe to allow production from refined mining materials in addition to wreck and scrapyard sources. Having the purchase points in low security areas also made things interesting but the system needs to lighten up on the whole unregistered cargo deal. 12.5% of value for cargo clearly registered to someone who is not you makes total sense but not for cargo which is abandoned for a set period and subject to legal salvage thereafter to ensure the community does it's bit cleaning up the shipping lanes. This cargo should sell for at least 67.5% of value with fencing costs settling on an even split of the benefit for 25% of total value to 'convert' the stolen goods into 'legal' salvage. Right now, even we loot-goblins are finding it hard to justify the effort of gathering abandoned cargo at current prices. The same can be said for weapons and components, the former selling for less than a hospital gown. These should be getting done by the numbers and, seeing as it's plant and equipment in, presumably, various states of operation; one could reasonably expect at least 25% on salvaged components and weapons - more as rep is built with specific buyers (going up to a maximum of 37.5% because these guys aren't going to deal below a fixed margin either and these are used and reconditioned goods, not new).



Outpost burglary seems to be missing back doors, side windows and inspector plod. Otherwise, the one guy on site doesn't see a thing. Who'd'a thought, eh? In the absence of local item banks, local inventory could afford to be removed from these locations and the dozens, perhaps more than a hundred, of these redundant, empty inventory allocations, per player, may account for some of the replication layer and back end load. So, bottom line in looking at some of the things, other than hauling, which need attention; is this question of how much all these redundant, empty inventories per player are impacting back end access and handling.
Ethereal Fox@EtherealVan
January 16th at 11:32 pm
January 16th at 11:32 pm
And they are working on it. You don't know all the work needed to get it in a better working order.
[Deleted by Baltergheist]
January 17th at 12:23 am
January 17th at 12:23 am
DJ Tenko@Tenko-san
January 17th at 2:19 am
January 17th at 2:19 am
There's been a lot of "known" issues that just never got fixed or are not even listed in the "known issues" but are confirmed on IC, just because it's listed as a 'Known issue' does not mean it's being worked on.
January 17th at 4:47 am
January 17th at 4:47 am
Where does it say they're working on it, baby?
January 17th at 3:39 am
January 17th at 3:39 am
Under known issues:

PU - Pyro - Courier - Mission Content / UI - Boxes are not marked upon accepting the mission
PU - Cargo - Hauling Missions - Warehouse orders not counting collected & delivered cargo correctly
PU - Cargo Hauling - Mission Content / Mission Refactor / Game Code - Supplies will remain in players warehouse and not successfully deliver
PU - Pyro - Mission Refactor - Hauling - Mission Content / Reputation - Players are able to access the other intro missions after completing one for a different Org

they're working on it, baby lol
100% agree.

PLEASE focus on this:

PU - Pyro - Courier - Mission Content / UI - Boxes are not marked upon accepting the mission
PU - Cargo - Hauling Missions - Warehouse orders not counting collected & delivered cargo correctly
PU - Cargo Hauling - Mission Content / Mission Refactor / Game Code - Supplies will remain in players warehouse and not successfully deliver
PU - Pyro - Mission Refactor - Hauling - Mission Content / Reputation - Players are able to access the other intro missions after completing one for a different Org
January 17th at 1:04 pm
January 17th at 1:04 pm
And yet the focus is still clearly on the Save Stanton mission bugs. Gotta support that upcoming marketing announcement
Cyrus Kazan@Cyrus-Kazan
January 16th at 9:37 pm
January 16th at 9:37 pm
Prioritize industry over combat, especially an event that comes with a sale and broken performance? Nonsense!
Michael Weiss@SzymanPL
January 16th at 11:04 pm
January 16th at 11:04 pm
Fact that they are deploying other fixes does not mean they do not work on other things. Many teams is working simultaneously on fixes. They deliver when they have something to deliver. Some fixes may "in progress" for hours, some days. Please show some gratitude for all the fixes we get and stop pretending you know they jira tickets.
[Deleted by Synthwave-CIG]
January 17th at 12:07 am
January 17th at 12:07 am
January 17th at 12:15 am
January 17th at 12:15 am
But this patch is still in PTU and fixes are being worked on. You can be upset if this is pushed to live and still not fixed.
January 17th at 12:18 am
January 17th at 12:18 am
Aaaaand I can also voice the concern of a massive part of the playerbase that it wouldn't be a priority for CIG to fix right now while they focus on the event. I never said I was upset, I asked to make sure it gets fixed before the next live push. Is it soooo crazy that I ask for that?
Tatsumaki Jim@TatsumakiJim
January 16th at 9:28 pm
January 16th at 9:28 pm
I wish it too but am not hopeful given they work some of the time...
January 16th at 9:47 pm
January 16th at 9:47 pm
Wrong color on Sabre Comet much more critical to be fixed mate. But yea - I get your pain - we all can't understand their priorities.
January 16th at 9:55 pm
January 16th at 9:55 pm
Neither do we have insight into what teams are working on specific problems. The Sabre Comet color issue may simply be a digital asset check-in whereas the cargo mission bugs might have their origins off in some microservice written in C++. Different skill set and areas of expertise, you understand.
January 16th at 9:27 pm
January 16th at 9:27 pm
Dear CIG, please don't force the Save Stanton P2 to 4.0.1, we really do need these fixes on preview to actually play, don't delay it for this event, nobody minds if you push the event to a subsequent 4.0.2 or so. Please
January 16th at 9:37 pm
January 16th at 9:37 pm
They are not going to do release of 4.0. So the faster PTU is done tested and fixed, the faster 4.0.1 Goes Live with the event. Waka said the 4.0 build is not fixable, that's why they jumped to 4.0.1 instead of doing a 4.0 release.
January 16th at 9:41 pm
January 16th at 9:41 pm
4.0.1 looks equally un-fixable from these patch notes
January 16th at 10:16 pm
January 16th at 10:16 pm
Some things take longer than others, don't forget that. Just because they know of an issue doesn't mean that it's fixed instantly
January 16th at 10:30 pm
January 16th at 10:30 pm
what about the hundreds maybe thousands of issues that they don't even know about? the player base can't be asked to browse the IC all day, looking for bugs so they can reproduce and contribute. this game wont ever be fixed with current methods. CIG is being payed to deliver a game, it should be their responsibility to actively look through every single bug report not just the "popular" ones. or we can just pretend that everything is great and it's only a matter of time till they fix everything, like you suggest.
January 16th at 9:41 pm
January 16th at 9:41 pm
I know, I want them to push it out asap and not hold back just to include Save Stanton phase 2, that can come at a later point, the fixes are needed urgently.
January 17th at 12:10 am
January 17th at 12:10 am
Not all things in a patch are part of the release.

Save stanton was tested in patch branches prior to 3.24

Just because something is in a patch, doesn't mean its going to be released.
January 17th at 7:59 am
January 17th at 7:59 am
I think it is a mistake to try to implement the Save Pyro Event to the 4.0.1 Patch.

I can understand why CIG is doing this (hoping to catch some new Players, Sell some Ships and pull more Players into Planung Pyro for testing purposes) but I fear it won‘t work that way - simple because the new missions will be Reputation-locked to many (new) Players who haven‘t Even started playing pyro because of unfixed bugs impacting the Overall-playability in Addition to many Players simple avoiding Pyro because of the more PVP-focused playstyle (leg it be real oder imaginary )

In my opinion CIG would do better to Focus on fixing bugs for one or two patches without trying to implement new Game Features just because the bugs coming with new Features will outshine all the fixed bugs and Hard work done by CIG.

The decline oft new Player Numbers Shows that the people want to See a big step in direction of a playable Game - at THIS Point, CIG will Not gain new Players by just selling new Ships or implementing (or just announcing) new Features …

After 12 years CIG has mobilized all the enthusiasts who believed in Star Citizen when it just was an idea - now it is time to deliver because the Potential new Players aren‘t looking for a Great idea anymore, they are looking for a playable early Access Game or they will move on and Play something Else
January 16th at 10:46 pm
January 16th at 10:46 pm
-[LGVII]- Jose97@Jose97
January 17th at 2:49 pm
January 17th at 2:49 pm
I think this is what the mayority of players want. I don't understand why they are testing the ST P2, when they first have to get 4.0 preview fix of bugs and performance!
January 16th at 9:20 pm
January 16th at 9:20 pm
January 16th at 9:23 pm
January 16th at 9:23 pm
January 17th at 8:32 am
January 17th at 8:32 am
Keep going strong
[BFB] Inkwell@Inkwell
January 16th at 9:22 pm
January 16th at 9:22 pm
Known Issues changes, 4.0.1_PTU.9486737 -> 4.0.1_PTU.9487629:
+ Important! For tonight's build the Jump Tunnels will not fully work and kick players out shortly after entering. Please avoid using them tonight as we will work on these for Friday.

- Multivehicle - PU - Vehicles / Locations - Quantum Travel - Ships do not begin QT when the spooling is ready
Trullin Vorn@trullin
January 16th at 9:43 pm
January 16th at 9:43 pm
I'm just going say it... 4.0.1 is primarily about Save Stanton Ch 2. The "Stability, Performance, and Bugfix Testing" tag line isn't fooling anyone.
January 16th at 9:48 pm
January 16th at 9:48 pm
It looks like another year of Events first ships second and whatever else happens Who knows maybe we will get some communications next month with shows or whatever.
January 16th at 10:16 pm
January 16th at 10:16 pm
is multi tasking wrong?
January 17th at 12:20 am
January 17th at 12:20 am
When done by CIG hmm historically yes. I will just point to SQ42 dev. Those same devs are already working on SQ42/PU and Events. I would choose to drop the events so Significant progress is made in both SQ42 & PU development [ bug fixes and stability improvements]. They will push the Events because that's the "narrative" that was spoken about in Chairman's Letter but sadly no new features or content coming with it for 4.0.1
January 17th at 2:19 am
January 17th at 2:19 am
Come on Kenge. It's super hypocritical to complain about things not changing after they dropped hundreds of fixes for 4.0. I get the cynicism but it's not like they haven't addressed almost every major issue with 4.0 preview and then some.

I don't disagree about events. No one is asking for save Stanton chapter 2 yet
Michael Weiss@SzymanPL
January 16th at 11:18 pm
January 16th at 11:18 pm
This is contend delivered with fixes. As promised in the update. The difference is that they would not add futures that will create more bugs then fixes. In the past they may try to add engenering with save Stanton. Now, we only get ridiculous amount of fixes and some missions for event but people like you will say it is only about the event... I see fixes get more attention then events.
January 16th at 9:27 pm
January 16th at 9:27 pm
January 16th at 9:22 pm
January 16th at 9:22 pm
Fixing missiles... I like that... what about the sound alert though?
January 16th at 9:36 pm
January 16th at 9:36 pm
Please fix player bounty markers not showing up! My favorite gameplay loop.
January 16th at 10:05 pm
January 16th at 10:05 pm
Please CIG.
Zero Kelvin@ZeroK
January 16th at 10:30 pm
January 16th at 10:30 pm



January 17th at 9:15 am
January 17th at 9:15 am
upvoted, thX Zero!
January 17th at 5:01 pm
January 17th at 5:01 pm
As a fellow 135c enjoyer i would like to ask you and anyone else really to try and use precision targeting mode in any of the 100 series ships (just right click to do big zoom) and confirm that literally everything infront of you will disappear. and then head over here and contribute, so it can get fixed also.

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January 16th at 10:08 pm
January 16th at 10:08 pm
Please fix the Constellation Taurus not having an atmosphere in its lower tractor beam turret, killing players not wearing a helmet:
January 17th at 8:09 am
January 17th at 8:09 am
Lesson learned: always wear proper Protection when working in hazardous Environment (high vacuum for example)

PS: sorry I felt I Head to do THIS
January 18th at 12:54 am
January 18th at 12:54 am
I want to RP in my trucking / blue collar gear haha
January 17th at 12:32 am
January 17th at 12:32 am
PU - Pyro - Courier - Mission Content / UI - Boxes are not marked upon accepting the mission
PU - Cargo - Hauling Missions - Warehouse orders not counting collected & delivered cargo correctly
PU - Cargo Hauling - Mission Content / Mission Refactor / Game Code - Supplies will remain in players warehouse and not successfully deliver

Please CIG fix this, gameplay cargo is core like Bounty Hunter, Mercenary etc
January 16th at 10:35 pm
January 16th at 10:35 pm
landed legally in my home port hangar / ship UNKNOWN/CLAIM after unloading cargo
January 16th at 10:56 pm
January 16th at 10:56 pm
I mean its cool that you added minable's into acidic caves, but we need investigation missions to help find these things lol. I feel like that was a wasted effort if ppl don't even have a resource to find them.
January 16th at 9:35 pm
January 16th at 9:35 pm
It's a known issue about the Merc missions not working properly but it's not shown here in known issues - do we know if they are being worked on or can we expect that one of the patches might address this in the near future. I feel that without the ability to do the basic missions - a push to Preview might cause problems with users if they can't complete the basic missions
January 16th at 9:43 pm
January 16th at 9:43 pm
Fixed - Crusader Mercury Star Runner - PU - Vehicles - Physics - Collision - Player can fall through the bed area in Habitation due to missing collision

✔ confirm it

thX CIG!
January 17th at 12:15 am
January 17th at 12:15 am
where is Investigation missions?
January 16th at 9:26 pm
January 16th at 9:26 pm
Do not forget 4.0 need love too
January 16th at 9:35 pm
January 16th at 9:35 pm
Do not forget 4.0 need love too
this will replace 4.0 so thats is the fix...... what you mean?
January 16th at 9:32 pm
January 16th at 9:32 pm
This is exactly that
January 16th at 9:43 pm
January 16th at 9:43 pm
They are working on 4.0 by fixing and updating 4.0.1 ...
January 16th at 11:59 pm
January 16th at 11:59 pm
What do you think the PTU is for?
January 16th at 11:27 pm
January 16th at 11:27 pm
Yeah bro this is to fix 4.0 once its out of PTU
January 16th at 9:44 pm
January 16th at 9:44 pm
Any update on the Nomad and others new inventory?
January 16th at 10:07 pm
January 16th at 10:07 pm
The Nomad got its internal inventory a few releases back on the PTU
January 16th at 11:12 pm
January 16th at 11:12 pm
There were patch notes, but not actually usable as there is no interaction prompt for it.
January 16th at 11:52 pm
January 16th at 11:52 pm
Yeah, in the patch notes, but what about on the actual ship? There is no prompt
January 17th at 7:10 am
January 17th at 7:10 am
And that is why people complain here .. it is a bit messy ... saying fixed .. in fact really not work .. do the DEVs be back on this topic ? IC says on several topics simply .. fixed ... people complain - IC not set back to fix and open again .. so - trapped on this stage ... what is the solution ? ... there should be a reaction from the company .. lot of people were engaged to comment and participate testing of the first PTU release after preview was out .. and from the communication point of view .. it seems to be that, the players are ignored (I'm not saying they are , however it looks like ) ... so why the players should test then, if the current process leads to nowhere ? It is expected, that someone will take care and nobody cares to have this process under control and it may run in positive way. If they are missing another proper forum item or chat item in SPECTRUM, they should create new one, in where people can escalate the major issues in more readable way
January 17th at 7:14 am
January 17th at 7:14 am
Same with Klescher I guess, it was being said it works, but it is not fixed I guess .. they should track it on the KNOWN ISSUES list
January 17th at 12:42 am
January 17th at 12:42 am
i'll kiss the feet of whoever fixed the comet finally, now can we pretty please get the esperia talons cockpit glass back in fighting shape so we dont have to fly litterally blind and be hornet food?
January 17th at 2:05 am
January 17th at 2:05 am
Did a Frontier fighter mission at Ostlers
went full anakin, and just couldn't find the last 15ish% of NPCs

hostility never triggered for the whole settlement
the one solitary missile turret didn't care
until I destroyed it, then hostility got triggered for the nearby NPCs
The reputation system seems entirely broken in this build

CFP marked hostile
but not enough not to give me missions
I go to prophets peak and its hostile, but lets me do the mission
and I'm pretty sure it was marking CFP persons as enemies for the mission
January 17th at 6:20 am
January 17th at 6:20 am
did anyone test that yet?
Fixed - Multivehicle - AC - Vehicles / AI - PDC Turrets not shooting at ships if the player is seated in the pilot seat and in an Online game mode (STARC-139933)
are they working now?
January 17th at 4:12 pm
January 17th at 4:12 pm
confirmed they work now. dont touch them now. leave them like that they are perfect.
[M.E.R.C.] Justin Time@Hlaine_Larkin
January 17th at 7:26 am
January 17th at 7:26 am
Working mission sharing pls? Without idiotic restrictions.
January 17th at 12:37 pm
January 17th at 12:37 pm
I think the freight orders should be completely revised. If you have to bring a given number of goods X to point Y, then you should decide for yourself where you get the goods from. You either buy them at a station, for example rare goods or goods that cannot yet be produced. Others could work for them themselves in order to make a bigger profit. That way the goods would not be tied to an order.
January 17th at 1:19 pm
January 17th at 1:19 pm
I think the freight orders should be completely revised. If you have to bring a given number of goods X to point Y, then you should decide for yourself where you get the goods from. You either buy them at a station, for example rare goods or goods that cannot yet be produced. Others could work for them themselves in order to make a bigger profit. That way the goods would not be tied to an order.
I should buy them so you can steal them?
January 20th at 4:40 pm
January 20th at 4:40 pm
I certainly don't, because I don't play piracy games. Of course you have to look after your goods. But it does open up other possibilities. Well-played pirate gameplay, why not? As long as it's not just about shooting and stealing goods, but rather a payment of a sum (protection money). There are actually no limits to the imagination.
January 21st at 5:54 pm
January 21st at 5:54 pm
Why should i give my money to some ingame bullies? And why should this be fun for me?
January 17th at 4:34 pm
January 17th at 4:34 pm
This is a great idea. It would really improve the gameplay. Nice.
January 17th at 1:16 pm
January 17th at 1:16 pm
C2 stays fixed the 5th build in a row. My hopes are high that the fix will make it to the live build