Message of the day
4 years ago
Please note that it's common courtesy to post org advertisements no more than once per hour.

Black Shields is a competitively minded, NA-based org focused on PvP, PvE, and industrial gameplay. We aim to build a strong roster of dedicated players who want to push the limits of Star Citizen’s content including the ongoing monthly events like Supply or Die (in total we have helped nearly 40 people complete the event) and future events coming with 4.1.
Looking for new members that are:
18+ years old.
Team players interested in coordinated gameplay.
Able to adapt and problem-solve in SC’s evolving and unpredictable gameplay environment.
We Offer:
An experienced and welcoming community.
Scheduled events and training dedicated to working together, improving, and having fun.
Leadership opportunities for those who prove themselves capable and interested.
Requirements upon joining:
An understanding that Black Shields is your primary Org.
Active participation in Discord while playing Star Citizen, with a working microphone.
No exploiting, cheating, or breaking honorable terms (ie. Honor pre-arranged 1v1s, no trade ganking pre-arranged deals, etc.).
Org Page:
Check out the Black Shields community on Discord - hang out with 164 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

Are you bored of living on the ground? Looking for a new life among the clouds? Well, look no further! Come enjoy Oris.. Sorry, too much time on Crusader. Regardless, welcome and thank you for taking at least a couple minutes to look into joining Dark Hawk Flotilla! We are a small, relatively new org, looking for new people to join and grow with us. Formed as a PMC, the Flotilla has experience in every aspect of game play. While the Flotilla is not a PvP org, we are not shy to it either.
How Are We Different:
We are fleet based.
We are not PVP focused.
We do have light activity requirements.
I aim to help and teach.
Core Values
This is a mature, adults-only org.
Real life comes first.
No hangar bragging or begging.
While we are grey, we do not condone purely criminal or pirate activity.
Red=dead is not a viable excuse.
In short, don’t be a dick, do be friendly, and take care of yourself.
Reach out to me via the discord server above or DM me here!
Fly Safe,
Bastina, Grand Fleet Admiral of Dark Hawk Flotilla
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game item...

Fuerst-des-Friedens Clan Allianz Star Citizen eine Aktive Elite Gruppe sucht Spieler die Spaß an Weltraum-Simulationen haben
Wir haben Team Speak & Discord für sehr viel Diskussionsstoff rund ums Spiel werde ein Teil der CIG-Spectrum Community
Auch bei Steam HP und Gruppe Wir bieten unsern Service im Bereich
– Begleitschutz
– Spionage
– Bounty Hunting
– Militärische Unterstützung
– Informationen
– kleinere Transporte
– Erkundung und Erforschung unbekannter Gebiete
– Ressourcenbeschaffung/Nachschub (Salvage und Mining)
– wir haben uns spezialisiert auf Tostbrot und Fleischwurst Einsätze
– Rohstoffe Sammeln Clan Stützpunkte ( Errichten ) Planeten Besiedeln
– Mit diplomatischer Überzeugung sind wir beireit das System Pyro & Stanton zu Sichern
⠄⠄⢿⣿⠄⠄⣿⣿⠄⠄⢿⣿⠄⠄⣿⣿⠄⠄⠄ <--- Homepage & Gruppe Steam <--- Clan HP Homepage by Star Citizen
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game item...

Join Sanctuary of Wanderhome today:
We are on Mumble
CLICK HERE TO JOIN This video is a brief overview of the b...
Supported Divisions
Exploration-> Omni Investigators: explore the verse for our expansion.
Engineering-> Seegson Incorporated: engineer hightech upgrades.
Base building-> Rosco Constructions: build bases and outposts.
Mining-> GeoWin Corporation: mine resources for our fleet.
Cargo hauling-> Eco Haulers: transport goods where they belong.
Salvaging-> Verum Recovery: salvage destroyed ships and repair others.
Trading-> Legal Exchange: sell the surplus and buy the needed.
Verum Combat: patrol behind our lines and fight, if needed.
Escort Squadrons: escort our flagships and civil ships.
Excursor Squadrons: scout safe routes for our ships.
No Divisions
- Personal Transport, Bounty Hunting or Freelancing
- Piracy, Smuggeling and Slavery
The main goal of our organization is to get as independent as possible.
No matter if Casual or Hardcore, with our crew rotation all members have a place.
The most Command positions are vacant and diligent members have good chances to rank up.
80+ ships with 300+ free places, from MPUV to Javelin, waiting in our Hangar to get a crew.
Please send me a private message, if You want more information!
You must accept marketing cookies to see this third-party content. This may transmit personal data to third-party platforms. More about this in our Privacy Policy.

The Galactic Order is a PMC ORG
We are an English-speaking ORG with players all over the world from 6 continents
We have both hardcore members and more casual players
We are a PMC ORG that does lite roleplay and welcomes players of all experience levels
We are currently over 350 strong and hold multiple events weekly
Be 16+ of age and have discord
*Bottom line:
Are you interested in contributing to the elimination of our UEE oppressors? Do you want to fight to eliminate the Vanduul menace from our universe? Are you looking for an active group and just want to play a game with fun and motivated people? Then the Galactic Order is for you. Whether you are a soldier, pilot, medic, researcher, or just someone searching for a purpose in the game, we want you! We have a large, diverse fleet that spans the universe and tackles all Star Citizen has to offer. Just look at our reviews,
“Joining the Galactic Order was the best decision of my life!” -Spectre117
“A game with no purpose, The Galactic Order creates the purpose” -Chocula
“I don’t even know who you are, stop following me!” -Random Port Olisar person
Check out our websites to learn more!
Our website:
TGO Trailer:

Since the beginning of time, all living must face a choice, a decision that would shape their entire existence...
Good or Evil, Harmony or Chaos, Surrender or Fight.
Age 21+ (Preferred)
Time Zone: CET (Preferred)
Come hang out with us in Discord lets just play together
Be Respectful / No Drama (Negativity Kills)
Join our Discord
Join our Organization
You must accept marketing cookies to see this third-party content. This may transmit personal data to third-party platforms. More about this in our Privacy Policy.

Looking for a structured and roleplay-friendly organization that balances serious gameplay with casual fun? The Galactic Federation of Cohesive Stars (GFCS) is a lawful, organized, and ambitious Federation built on trade, security, and expansion!
Highly Structured – Clear ranks, real progression!
Roleplay-Friendly – Go full RP or keep it casual, your choice!
Anti-Piracy Stance – We defend what’s ours!
No Activity Quotas – Real life comes first!
Opportunities Await!
Security & Bounty Hunting
Trade & Commerce
🪐 Exploration & Expansion
Mining & Industry
Leadership & Governance
Apply Now! Recruits must submit a Petition for Federation Membership, which will be sent upon interest.
Join Us Today!
Org Page & Charter:
For Order, Prosperity, and Strength!
Check out the Galactic Federation of Cohesive Stars community on Discord - hang out with 52 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

Fireside is recruiting all fun-loving, morally gray, maybe intoxicated story-tellers for the best freelancing org this side of Pallas.
While currently engaged in all things 4.0 has to offer, including dips into Pyro, Contested Zone and Executive Hanger runs, and earning cold hard credits, we have room for every role in Star CItizen and We'd Love to have you!
Fireside Branches (Not Mil-sim, this is for organizational purposes during Org events only)
(For Org events only, we don't dictate your day-to-day gaming)
Legion: Our FPS specialists
Armada: Our Combat ship and capitol ship branch
Logistics: Our Support and hauling division
Normal activities for the Fireside:
Fps and Ship Combat Missions
Cargo and Commodity Running
Salvage Ops
Contested Zones/PvP events
Recruitment Montage:
Want to know more?
Fireside Discord:
Org Link:
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Are you bored of living on the ground? Looking for a new life among the clouds? Well, look no further! Come enjoy Oris.. Sorry, too much time on Crusader. Regardless, welcome and thank you for taking at least a couple minutes to look into joining Dark Hawk Flotilla! We are a small, relatively new org, looking for new people to join and grow with us. Formed as a PMC, the Flotilla has experience in every aspect of game play. While the Flotilla is not a PvP org, we are not shy to it either.
How Are We Different:
We are fleet based.
We are not PVP focused.
We do have light activity requirements.
I aim to help and teach.
Core Values
This is a mature, adults-only org.
Real life comes first.
No hangar bragging or begging.
While we are grey, we do not condone purely criminal or pirate activity.
Red=dead is not a viable excuse.
In short, don’t be a dick, do be friendly, and take care of yourself.
Reach out to me via the discord server above or DM me here!
Fly Safe,
Bastina, Grand Fleet Admiral of Dark Hawk Flotilla

Are you a player looking to seize control in the Verse? Become a Darkblood Syndicate Operative!
Who We Are:
We are a top tier combat focused Criminal Organization, with an Air, Ground & Engineering division. Known for our ironclad allegiance, efficiency and ruthlessness, our jobs are challenging and varied, from: Planetary Raiding, Space Interdiction, Hijacking & Inter-Org Mercenary Contracts to Salvage & Mining Operations.
What We Offer:
Top Tier Assignments: Sharpen your skills with the best.
Advanced Gear: Use the rarest weapons and tech available in game.
Equal Pay: Earn substantial Credits and bonuses.
Brotherhood: Be part of a loyal and powerful crew.
Respect: Ability to be a part of a team, lone wolves not welcome.
Discretion: Ability to keep operations confidential.
Loyalty: The Syndicate MUST be your primary Organization.
Versatility: Adaptability to different jobs and challenges.
How to Join:
Apply Via Discord:
Or Via Website:
Official Discord of The Darkblood Syndicate. Tread Carefully. | 105 members

Black Shields is a competitively minded, NA-based org focused on PvP, PvE, and industrial gameplay. We aim to build a strong roster of dedicated players who want to push the limits of Star Citizen’s content including the ongoing monthly events like Supply or Die (in total we have helped nearly 40 people complete the event) and future events coming with 4.1.
Looking for new members that are:
18+ years old.
Team players interested in coordinated gameplay.
Able to adapt and problem-solve in SC’s evolving and unpredictable gameplay environment.
We Offer:
An experienced and welcoming community.
Scheduled events and training dedicated to working together, improving, and having fun.
Leadership opportunities for those who prove themselves capable and interested.
Requirements upon joining:
An understanding that Black Shields is your primary Org.
Active participation in Discord while playing Star Citizen, with a working microphone.
No exploiting, cheating, or breaking honorable terms (ie. Honor pre-arranged 1v1s, no trade ganking pre-arranged deals, etc.).
Check out the Black Shields community on Discord - hang out with 164 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

Fenrir Operations Group (FOG) is now recruiting dedicated players ready to make their mark across Pyro and Stanton. We are 18+, proudly pro Military/ first responder and our rule one is real life comes first!
Divisions Open for Recruitment
Industry Division
Specialists in resource acquisition: mining, salvaging, refining, and fuse-crafting operations. Industry operators are the lifeblood of FOG’s economic engine, operating across high-risk zones and capitalizing on Pyro’s untapped wealth.
Security Division
Focused on space superiority, contested zone domination, and FPS tactics. Whether in a turret, cockpit, or breach team, our security operators enforce mission success through precision and overwhelming force.
Logistics Division
The backbone of sustained operations. Logistics handles cargo transport, supply chain management, and trade route execution. Whether you're flying a C2 or coordinating convoys, this division ensures the mission continues.
Why Join FOG
• Weekly events for all lawful gameplay loops
• Tactical coordination in contested PvPvE zones
• Friendly and helpful teammates who have your back
• Zero mil-sim roleplay or taxes
• Fair and impartial activity based ranking system
Ready to Operate?
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Hello Citizens, your current and yet to come deeds intrigue us.
We are reaching out, to recruite you into our Organisation for various reasons, as we seek to expand our reach in this universe.
If you join us we can promise to provide you with any type of support needed.
May you be stranded in space, in need of some equipment, intel or even just company, the Purple Hats have your back.
Now this probably sounds too good to be true, I would be cautious too.
But fear not because all we ask is for you to provide the same to other members.
If this is offer interest to you, we would gladly greet you into our ranks.
From this universe to the next,
CEO SilentSouls
(Small group with intent to add roleplaying and a nerrative to the Org. Feel free to PM me if you have questions. We mainly use English for chating but we also have members that are fluent in german)

Unser Ziel?
Unser Ziel ist es, Star Citizen mit echtem, spielerbasiertem Piraten-Content zu bereichern.
Durch Raubzüge, Hinterhalte und strategisch geplante Operationen schreiben wir unsere eigene Geschichte im Verse und sorgen dafür, dass niemand sich wirklich sicher fühlen kann.
Doch wir sind keine hirnlosen Griefer oder planlosen Mörder.
Wir folgen einem Kodex, der uns von gewöhnlichen Gesetzlosen unterscheidet.
Wir setzen auf Taktik, Koordination und gezielte Schläge, um maximale Beute mit minimalem Risiko zu erzielen.
Unser Ziel ist nicht sinnlose Zerstörung – sondern Profit, Ruhm und Kontrolle.
Zudem bieten wir ein anspruchsvolles, wettbewerbsorientiertes Umfeld für PvP-Spieler aller Art.
Egal, ob du ein erfahrener Kampfpilot, ein cleverer Taktiker oder ein skrupelloser Geschäftsmann bist,
in unseren Reihen findest du eine Crew, die deine Fähigkeiten fordert und fördert.
Wenn du bereit bist, das Gesetz hinter dir zu lassen und Teil einer echten Piraten-Organisation zu werden,
dann ist jetzt der richtige Moment, dich uns anzuschließen.
Das Verse gehört denen, die den Mut haben, es sich zu nehmen.
Sieh dir die 乂RED乂-Community auf Discord an – häng mit 10 anderen Mitgliedern ab und freu dich über kostenlose Sprach- und Textchats.

‘’Protect and Serve’’
We are looking for new recruits!
We are lawful mil-sim org. We are looking for new or old players who like tactical gameplay. We dont engage in any piracy and we do not grief, actually we are trying our best to counter those behaviors!
The org itself is divided in different branches to accommodate different playstyles:
111th Squadron: Unit made of fighters and bombers with the objective of providing security and deterring threats.
55th Logistical Support Squadron: Unit made for those individuals who like to mine, salvage or trade. Also its a backbone of the 12th, providing weapons and uniforms for everyone else.
7th Marine Combat Battalion: For everyone who loves FPS gameplay. As the part of 7th medical gameplay is also an option for those who want to save lives in combat scenarios.
We are offering events on the daily basis ranging from fun events to something more tactical and also we are constantly training to refine our skills.
Org itself covers both European and US timezones which means you gonna always find someone to play with.
For any other info please visit our webpage.
On our webpage you can also find the form to become the part of the 12th.
Force protection condition Bravo welcome to the 3rd fleet, 12th battle group An upcoming Naval RP Mil-sim unit! The 12th Battle Group prides itself i...

Are you bored of living on the ground? Looking for a new life among the clouds? Well, look no further! Come enjoy Oris.. Sorry, too much time on Crusader. Regardless, welcome and thank you for taking at least a couple minutes to look into joining Dark Hawk Flotilla! We are a small, relatively new org, looking for new people to join and grow with us. Formed as a PMC, the Flotilla has experience in every aspect of game play. While the Flotilla is not a PvP org, we are not shy to it either.
How Are We Different:
We are fleet based.
We are not PVP focused.
We do have light activity requirements.
I aim to help and teach.
Core Values
This is a mature, adults-only org.
Real life comes first.
No hangar bragging or begging.
While we are grey, we do not condone purely criminal or pirate activity.
Red=dead is not a viable excuse.
In short, don’t be a dick, do be friendly, and take care of yourself.
Reach out to me via the discord server above or DM me here!
Fly Safe,
Bastina, Grand Fleet Admiral of Dark Hawk Flotilla
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game item...

ADI has three core rules:
Rule #1: Do not be a jerk.
Rule #2: Do not cause drama.
Rule #3: Real life comes first.
Join Atlas Defense Industries ( ) where we focus on quality and quantity, which is why we screen all applicants. Many of our members have experience in combat (ARMA) and flight simulators (BMS/DCS) and they will be adapting their knowledge to Star Citizen. We support you through a well-organized staff team with gaming and real-world experience. Our organization supports all aspects of the game, except piracy.
ADI is more than just a Star Citizen organization. It is an active gaming community where people come to have fun and build relationships along the way.
Online Gaming Organization Star Citizen

The Galactic Order is a PMC ORG
We are an English-speaking ORG with players all over the world from 6 continents
We have both hardcore members and more casual players
We are a PMC ORG that does lite roleplay and welcomes players of all experience levels
We are currently over 350 strong and hold multiple events weekly
16+ of age and have discord (mic optional but is preferred)
Bottom line:
Are you interested in contributing to the elimination of our UEE oppressors? Do you want to fight to eliminate the Vanduul menace from our universe? Are you looking for an active group and just want to play a game with fun and motivated people? Then the Galactic Order is for you. Whether you are a soldier, pilot, medic, researcher, or just someone searching for a purpose in the game, we want you! We have a large, diverse fleet that spans the universe and tackles all Star Citizen has to offer. Just look at our reviews,
“Joining the Galactic Order was the best decision of my life!” -Spectre117
“A game with no purpose, The Galactic Order creates the purpose” -Chocula
“I don’t even know who you are, stop following me!” -Random Port Olisar person
Check out our websites to learn more!
Our website:
TGO Trailer:
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

The JTF is a lawful aligned PvP-oriented organization that focuses heavily on fighter combat, electronic warfare, and emergency response combat interception, with an Advocacy spin to it, on behalf of other small players and organizations. Our services are available to small to medium sized groups and organizations that are lawful by intent; for little to no cost to them in-game. However, we are not a security force for hire - we only respond to player emergency combat situations as they occur, and when assistance or backup is requested by other players, in a fashion very similar to that of law enforcement agencies in the real world.
Our Discord is open to the public for diplomatic use and servicing purposes, but the team itself is typically invite-only by default.
If you wish to request our services, or to be considered for potential entry candidacy in the future, you should start the process by contacting us via our public Discord server, and state the reason for your outreach in the airlock.

Dir ist Spaß wichtiger, als dich nach selbsternannten Vorgesetzten zu richten?
Du pfeifst auf Ränge und Hierarchien, weil es davon im Real-Life schon genug gibt?
Schön, dann haben wir schon etwas gemeinsam.
Wir sind nicht unbedingt UEE treu, berauben oder attackieren aber keine anderen Spieler,
solange sie keine Piraten sind oder es darauf anlegen.
Wir möchten mit Euch zusammen Abenteuer erleben, egal wie dick die Schiffe dafür sein müssen.
Welche Leidenschaft du auch im Spiel ausleben möchtest, bei uns findest du Gleichgesinnte.
Außer Piraterie decken wir alle Bereiche ab, die dafür nötigen Schiffe stehen uns bereits
mehrfach zur Verfügung, von der Dragonfly bis hin zu den großen Kalibern.
Egal ob ihr unsere Flotte noch verstärken oder einfach im Team dabei sein möchtet.
Kampf-Piloten sind auch immer gern gesehen
Werde Teil unserer Community oder auch Mitglied bei Wild Bunch.
Besuche uns unverbindlich auf unserem Discord mit über 500 Spielern.
Wir freuen uns auf Dich!

Are you a player looking to seize control in the Verse? Become a Darkblood Syndicate Operative!
Who We Are:
We are a top tier combat focused Criminal Organization, with an Air, Ground & Engineering division. Known for our ironclad allegiance, efficiency and ruthlessness, our jobs are challenging and varied, from: Planetary Raiding, Space Interdiction, Hijacking & Inter-Org Mercenary Contracts to Salvage & Mining Operations.
What We Offer:
Top Tier Assignments: Sharpen your skills with the best.
Advanced Gear: Use the rarest weapons and tech available in game.
Equal Pay: Earn substantial Credits and bonuses.
Brotherhood: Be part of a loyal and powerful crew.
Respect: Ability to be a part of a team, lone wolves not welcome.
Discretion: Ability to keep operations confidential.
Loyalty: The Syndicate MUST be your primary Organization.
Versatility: Adaptability to different jobs and challenges.
How to Join:
Apply Via Discord:
Or Via Website:
Official Discord of The Darkblood Syndicate. Tread Carefully. | 105 members

Was erwartet dich
Rüstungs-, Handels- und Industriekonzern sowie Dienstleister
Security, Medic, Mercenary, Trading, Resources, Outpost-Building, Researche, u.v.m…
Aufbau von exklusiven Städten und Player Space Stations
lockeres und zwangloses Miteinander ohne Pflichten
gut organisiert (Discord, Website & große Orga-Flotte für jedes Gameplay vorhanden)
Mitbestimmung, Entscheidungsfreiheit, Selbstverantwortung (jeder kann sich mit seinen Stärken einbringen)
Du bist & bringst mit
Mitspieler*in ab 21 Jahren (einfaches Game Package reicht aus!)
soziale Kompetenz und Geduld
Engagement, Eigeninitiative, freundlich, zuverlässig sowie teamfähig (schließt aktive Gelegenheitsspieler mit ein)
Main- oder Affiliate Mitgliedschaft
Wir wissen um den Umstand, dass wir uns noch im Aufbau befinden.
Wir werden Zeit benötigen um Mitspieler anzuwerben und freuen uns wenn nach und nach unser Discord gefüllt wird.
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game item...

Are you bored of living on the ground? Looking for a new life among the clouds? Well, look no further! Come enjoy Oris.. Sorry, too much time on Crusader. Regardless, welcome and thank you for taking at least a couple minutes to look into joining Dark Hawk Flotilla! We are a small, relatively new org, looking for new people to join and grow with us. Formed as a PMC, the Flotilla has experience in every aspect of game play. While the Flotilla is not a PvP org, we are not shy to it either.
How Are We Different:
We are fleet based.
We are not PVP focused.
We do have light activity requirements.
I aim to help and teach.
Core Values
This is a mature, adults-only org.
Real life comes first.
No hangar bragging or begging.
While we are grey, we do not condone purely criminal or pirate activity.
Red=dead is not a viable excuse.
In short, don’t be a dick, do be friendly, and take care of yourself.
Reach out to me via the discord server above or DM me here!
Fly Safe,
Bastina, Grand Fleet Admiral of Dark Hawk Flotilla

ADI has three core rules:
Rule #1: Do not be a jerk.
Rule #2: Do not cause drama.
Rule #3: Real life comes first.
Join Atlas Defense Industries ( ) where we focus on quality and quantity, which is why we screen all applicants. Many of our members have experience in combat (ARMA) and flight simulators (BMS/DCS) and they will be adapting their knowledge to Star Citizen. We support you through a well-organized staff team with gaming and real-world experience. Our organization supports all aspects of the game, except piracy.
ADI is more than just a Star Citizen organization. It is an active gaming community where people come to have fun and build relationships along the way.
Online Gaming Organization Star Citizen

Unsere Spezialisierung liegt auf der Fernspähaufklärung (Long Range Reconnaissance) – mit Fokus auf Infiltration zu Fuß, Lokalisierung von Hochwertzielen, Gewinnung von Schlüsselinformationen in Krisen- & Hochrisikogebieten, sowie Datenbeschaffung und autarken Operationen tief im feindlichen Raum – meist im 4-Mann-Kleinteameinsatz.
Wir decken ein breites Spektrum bestehender und kommender Gameplay-Elemente ab: Exploration, Data Running, E-Warfare FPS PvE/PvP Combat sowie unterstützend Medical, Repair und Science, angepasst an unser Einsatzprofil. Wir arbeiten auch kooperativ mit anderen Orgas zusammen, und werden von diesen auch beauftragt.
Mit fundierten Ausbildungsprogrammen und taktischer Rollenverteilung suchen wir engagierte Spieler, die Teil eines eingespielten Teams werden möchten – auch im Rahmen größerer Story-Events. Falls keine RP Erfahrung vorliegt, ist das nicht schlimm.
Gegründet 2949 auf Grim HEX, agieren wir derzeit von drei kleineren Standorten im Stanton-System. Wir sind Söldner und arbeiten unabhängig.
Interesse? Besuche uns auf Discord und komm gerne im chat-and-talk vorbei:
Sieh dir die [TYR]-Community auf Discord an – häng mit 88 anderen Mitgliedern ab und freu dich über kostenlose Sprach- und Textchats.

Join the Nightingale Industries Fleet. Fly in squadrons, crew capital and sub-capital class ships, and train to be a lethal weapon behind the sticks.
Enlist in the Nightingale Security Forces. Train to function as an elite combat unit, engage in thrilling bounty hunts, and bring the fight to the enemy across the Verse!
Put your medical skills to good use in the Medical Division, rescuing those in need. Engage in Search and Rescue missions across the Verse, and help your fellow citizens in need!
Get your space trucker on in the Nightingale Transportation Services. Trading, hauling, and transporting passengers across the Verse in search of the biggest payouts.
Join our Industrial Division, and make your millions in mining and salvage! Work with a coordinated and fun-loving crew!
Work with Starship Services and aid in the repair and recovery of damaged ships and vehicles!
Sign up for the Racing Team and join fellow adrenaline junkies!
The possibilities are endless here at Nightingale Industries.
Protect. Provide. Empower.
-Commander Briggs
Nightingale Industries
Org ad:
Apply today:
Join our discord:
Check out our website:
Protect. Provide. Empower. This is the commitment of Nightingale Industries to the citizens of the UEE. Through our Military Sector, we defend the co...

Fireside is recruiting all fun-loving, morally gray, maybe intoxicated story-tellers for the best freelancing org this side of Pallas.
While currently engaged in all things 4.0 has to offer, including dips into Pyro, Contested Zone and Executive Hanger runs, and earning cold hard credits, we have room for every role in Star CItizen and We'd Love to have you!
We are a PvA Org and pretty much do everything! come smash some drinks or ships it doesn't matter to us!
We are Looking for Pilots/Ground Stompers and Logistics Folk! Come Join the Wagon as we make our way in to Hell!
Normal activities for the Fireside:
Fps and Ship Combat Missions
Cargo and Commodity Running
Salvage Ops
Contested Zones/PvP events
Random PvP at PvP hotspots
Recruitment Montage:
Fireside Discord:
Org Link:
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

ADI has three core rules:
Rule #1: Do not be a jerk.
Rule #2: Do not cause drama.
Rule #3: Real life comes first.
Join Atlas Defense Industries ( ) where we focus on quality and quantity, which is why we screen all applicants. Many of our members have experience in combat (ARMA) and flight simulators (BMS/DCS) and they will be adapting their knowledge to Star Citizen. We support you through a well-organized staff team with gaming and real-world experience. Our organization supports all aspects of the game, except piracy.
ADI is more than just a Star Citizen organization. It is an active gaming community where people come to have fun and build relationships along the way.
Online Gaming Organization Star Citizen

Black Shields is a competitively minded, NA-based org focused on PvP, PvE, and industrial gameplay. We aim to build a strong roster of dedicated players who want to push the limits of Star Citizen’s content including the ongoing monthly events like Supply or Die (in total we have helped nearly 40 people complete the event) and future events coming with 4.1.
Looking for new members that are:
18+ years old.
Team players interested in coordinated gameplay.
Able to adapt and problem-solve in SC’s evolving and unpredictable gameplay environment.
We Offer:
An experienced and welcoming community.
Scheduled events and training dedicated to working together, improving, and having fun.
Leadership opportunities for those who prove themselves capable and interested.
Requirements upon joining:
An understanding that Black Shields is your primary Org.
Active participation in Discord while playing Star Citizen, with a working microphone.
No exploiting, cheating, or breaking honorable terms (ie. Honor pre-arranged 1v1s, no trade ganking pre-arranged deals, etc.).
Org Page:
Check out the Black Shields community on Discord - hang out with 166 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

Looking for a structured and roleplay-friendly organization that balances serious gameplay with casual fun? The Galactic Federation of Cohesive Stars (GFCS) is a lawful, organized, and ambitious Federation built on trade, security, and expansion!
Highly Structured – Clear ranks, real progression!
Roleplay-Friendly – Go full RP or keep it casual, your choice!
Anti-Piracy Stance – We defend what’s ours!
No Activity Quotas – Real life comes first!
Opportunities Await!
Security & Bounty Hunting
Trade & Commerce
🪐 Exploration & Expansion
Mining & Industry
Leadership & Governance
Apply Now! Recruits must submit a Petition for Federation Membership, which will be sent upon interest.
Join Us Today!
Org Page & Charter:
For Order, Prosperity, and Strength!
Check out the Galactic Federation of Cohesive Stars community on Discord - hang out with 50 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

Fenrir Operations Group (FOG) is now recruiting dedicated players ready to make their mark across Pyro and Stanton. We are 18+, proudly pro Military/ first responder and our rule one is real life comes first!
Divisions Open for Recruitment
Industry Division
Specialists in resource acquisition: mining, salvaging, refining, and fuse-crafting operations. Industry operators are the lifeblood of FOG’s economic engine, operating across high-risk zones and capitalizing on Pyro’s untapped wealth.
Security Division
Focused on space superiority, contested zone domination, and FPS tactics. Whether in a turret, cockpit, or breach team, our security operators enforce mission success through precision and overwhelming force.
Logistics Division
The backbone of sustained operations. Logistics handles cargo transport, supply chain management, and trade route execution. Whether you're flying a C2 or coordinating convoys, this division ensures the mission continues.
Why Join FOG
• Weekly events for all lawful gameplay loops
• Tactical coordination in contested PvPvE zones
• Friendly and helpful teammates who have your back
• Zero mil-sim roleplay or taxes
• Fair and impartial activity based ranking system
Ready to Operate?
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Are you bored of living on the ground? Looking for a new life among the clouds? Well, look no further! Come enjoy Oris.. Sorry, too much time on Crusader. Regardless, welcome and thank you for taking at least a couple minutes to look into joining Dark Hawk Flotilla! We are a small, relatively new org, looking for new people to join and grow with us. Formed as a PMC, the Flotilla has experience in every aspect of game play. While the Flotilla is not a PvP org, we are not shy to it either.
How Are We Different:
We are fleet based.
We are not PVP focused.
We do have light activity requirements.
I aim to help and teach.
Core Values
This is a mature, adults-only org.
Real life comes first.
No hangar bragging or begging.
While we are grey, we do not condone purely criminal or pirate activity.
Red=dead is not a viable excuse.
In short, don’t be a dick, do be friendly, and take care of yourself.
Reach out to me via the discord server above or DM me here!
Fly Safe,
Bastina, Grand Fleet Admiral of Dark Hawk Flotilla
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game item...

Are you a player looking to seize control in the Verse? Become a Darkblood Syndicate Operative!
Who We Are:
We are a top tier combat focused Criminal Organization, with an Air, Ground & Engineering division. Known for our ironclad allegiance, efficiency and ruthlessness, our jobs are challenging and varied, from: Planetary Raiding, Space Interdiction, Hijacking & Inter-Org Mercenary Contracts to Salvage & Mining Operations.
What We Offer:
Top Tier Assignments: Sharpen your skills with the best.
Advanced Gear: Use the rarest weapons and tech available in game.
Equal Pay: Earn substantial Credits and bonuses.
Brotherhood: Be part of a loyal and powerful crew.
Respect: Ability to be a part of a team, lone wolves not welcome.
Discretion: Ability to keep operations confidential.
Loyalty: The Syndicate MUST be your primary Organization.
Versatility: Adaptability to different jobs and challenges.
How to Join:
Apply Via Discord:
Or Via Website:
The Darkblood Syndicate
Money, Power & Respect Without Equal
Official Discord of The Darkblood Syndicate. Tread Carefully. | 105 members

‘’Protect and Serve’’
We are looking for new recruits!
We are lawful mil-sim org. We are looking for new or old players who like tactical gameplay. We dont engage in any piracy and we do not grief, actually we are trying our best to counter those behaviors!
The org itself is divided in different branches to accommodate different playstyles:
111th Squadron: Unit made of fighters and bombers with the objective of providing security and deterring threats.
55th Logistical Support Squadron: Unit made for those individuals who like to mine, salvage or trade. Also its a backbone of the 12th, providing weapons and uniforms for everyone else.
7th Marine Combat Battalion: For everyone who loves FPS gameplay. As the part of 7th medical gameplay is also an option for those who want to save lives in combat scenarios.
We are offering events on the daily basis ranging from fun events to something more tactical and also we are constantly training to refine our skills.
Org itself covers both European and US timezones which means you gonna always find someone to play with.
For any other info please visit our webpage.
On our webpage you can also find the form to become the part of the 12th.
Force protection condition Bravo welcome to the 3rd fleet, 12th battle group An upcoming Naval RP Mil-sim unit! The 12th Battle Group prides itself i...

Fenrir Operations Group (FOG) is now recruiting dedicated players ready to make their mark across Pyro and Stanton. We are 18+, proudly pro Military/ first responder and our rule one is real life comes first!
Divisions Open for Recruitment
Industry Division
Specialists in resource acquisition: mining, salvaging, refining, and fuse-crafting operations. Industry operators are the lifeblood of FOG’s economic engine, operating across high-risk zones and capitalizing on Pyro’s untapped wealth.
Security Division
Focused on space superiority, contested zone domination, and FPS tactics. Whether in a turret, cockpit, or breach team, our security operators enforce mission success through precision and overwhelming force.
Logistics Division
The backbone of sustained operations. Logistics handles cargo transport, supply chain management, and trade route execution. Whether you're flying a C2 or coordinating convoys, this division ensures the mission continues.
Why Join FOG
• Weekly events for all lawful gameplay loops
• Tactical coordination in contested PvPvE zones
• Friendly and helpful teammates who have your back
• Zero mil-sim roleplay or taxes
• Fair and impartial activity based ranking system
Ready to Operate?
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Are you bored of living on the ground? Looking for a new life among the clouds? Well, look no further! Come enjoy Oris.. Sorry, too much time on Crusader. Regardless, welcome and thank you for taking at least a couple minutes to look into joining Dark Hawk Flotilla! We are a small, relatively new org, looking for new people to join and grow with us. Formed as a PMC, the Flotilla has experience in every aspect of game play. While the Flotilla is not a PvP org, we are not shy to it either.
How Are We Different:
We are fleet based.
We are not PVP focused.
We do have light activity requirements.
I aim to help and teach.
Core Values
This is a mature, adults-only org.
Real life comes first.
No hangar bragging or begging.
While we are grey, we do not condone purely criminal or pirate activity.
Red=dead is not a viable excuse.
In short, don’t be a dick, do be friendly, and take care of yourself.
Reach out to me via the discord server above or DM me here!
Fly Safe,
Bastina, Grand Fleet Admiral of Dark Hawk Flotilla

ADI has three core rules:
Rule #1: Do not be a jerk.
Rule #2: Do not cause drama.
Rule #3: Real life comes first.
Join Atlas Defense Industries ( ) where we focus on quality and quantity, which is why we screen all applicants. Many of our members have experience in combat (ARMA) and flight simulators (BMS/DCS) and they will be adapting their knowledge to Star Citizen. We support you through a well-organized staff team with gaming and real-world experience. Our organization supports all aspects of the game, except piracy.
ADI is more than just a Star Citizen organization. It is an active gaming community where people come to have fun and build relationships along the way.
Online Gaming Organization Star Citizen

Are you ready to take your gameplay to the next level? Whether you're into mining, salvage, security, cargo, transport, piracy, or just looking for fun, Even Legion has it all! Join us for almost daily events, exciting gameplay sessions, and a thriving community.
Why join?
Action-Packed Events
Diverse Gameplay Options
Casual and Social Atmosphere
A supportive and fun community
Ready to get in on the action? Whether you're hardcore or just here to chat and explore, Even Legion is your new home. Don’t wait—join today and be part of something great!

Are you bored of living on the ground? Looking for a new life among the clouds? Well, look no further! Come enjoy Oris.. Sorry, too much time on Crusader. Regardless, welcome and thank you for taking at least a couple minutes to look into joining Dark Hawk Flotilla! We are a small, relatively new org, looking for new people to join and grow with us. Formed as a PMC, the Flotilla has experience in every aspect of game play. While the Flotilla is not a PvP org, we are not shy to it either.
How Are We Different:
We are fleet based.
We are not PVP focused.
We do have light activity requirements.
I aim to help and teach.
Core Values
This is a mature, adults-only org.
Real life comes first.
No hangar bragging or begging.
While we are grey, we do not condone purely criminal or pirate activity.
Red=dead is not a viable excuse.
In short, don’t be a dick, do be friendly, and take care of yourself.
Reach out to me via the discord server above or DM me here!
Fly Safe,
Bastina, Grand Fleet Admiral of Dark Hawk Flotilla
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game item...

Join Sanctuary of Wanderhome today:
We are on Mumble
CLICK HERE TO JOIN This video is a brief overview of the b...

ADI has three core rules:
Rule #1: Do not be a jerk.
Rule #2: Do not cause drama.
Rule #3: Real life comes first.
Join Atlas Defense Industries ( ) where we focus on quality and quantity, which is why we screen all applicants. Many of our members have experience in combat (ARMA) and flight simulators (BMS/DCS) and they will be adapting their knowledge to Star Citizen. We support you through a well-organized staff team with gaming and real-world experience. Our organization supports all aspects of the game, except piracy.
ADI is more than just a Star Citizen organization. It is an active gaming community where people come to have fun and build relationships along the way.

As the Premier Secured Hauling Organization within the Stanton System, Virtanen Intergalactic is growing and we want you on our crew. Whether you’re a seasoned pilot or new to the ‘verse, we’re here to help you grow and find your forever home.
To be specific:
Everyone Welcome - No experience? No problem, learn from the best.
Flexible Commitment - No minimum time requirements, real life first.
Tight-Knit Community - Small but growing, we value teamwork and camaraderie.
North American Focused - Primarily active across North American time zones.
Our Sectors:
Industrial - Logistics, Mining, and Salvaging operations to keep Stanton Moving and Clean.
Medical - Rescue downed pilots, stranded citizens, or injured marines and provide critical aid.
Security - Protect assets, escort our industrial operations, and engage threats on land or in space.
With over 150 years of lore legacy behind us, Virtanen Intergalactic combines professionalism and a rich history to redefine secured logistics. Our mission? Safely and efficiently transfer assets through secured or unsecured space, no matter the challenge.
“Semper Anticus - Always Forward”
If you’re ready to start with us, check out our Discord. - Discord Server - VGAL Homepage
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Fuerst-des-Friedens Clan Allianz Star Citizen eine Aktive Elite Gruppe sucht Spieler die Spaß an Weltraum-Simulationen haben
Wir haben Team Speak & Discord für sehr viel Diskussionsstoff rund ums Spiel werde ein Teil der CIG-Spectrum Community
Auch bei Steam HP und Gruppe Wir bieten unsern Service im Bereich
– Begleitschutz
– Spionage
– Bounty Hunting
– Militärische Unterstützung
– Informationen
– kleinere Transporte
– Erkundung und Erforschung unbekannter Gebiete
– Ressourcenbeschaffung/Nachschub (Salvage und Mining)
– wir haben uns spezialisiert auf Tostbrot und Fleischwurst Einsätze
– Rohstoffe Sammeln Clan Stützpunkte ( Errichten ) Planeten Besiedeln
– Mit diplomatischer Überzeugung sind wir beireit das System Pyro & Stanton zu Sichern
⠄⠄⢿⣿⠄⠄⣿⣿⠄⠄⢿⣿⠄⠄⣿⣿⠄⠄⠄ <--- Homepage & Gruppe Steam <--- Clan HP Homepage by Star Citizen
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game item...
Supported Divisions
Exploration-> Omni Investigators: explore the verse for our expansion.
Engineering-> Seegson Incorporated: engineer hightech upgrades.
Base building-> Rosco Constructions: build bases and outposts.
Mining-> GeoWin Corporation: mine resources for our fleet.
Cargo hauling-> Eco Haulers: transport goods where they belong.
Salvaging-> Verum Recovery: salvage destroyed ships and repair others.
Trading-> Legal Exchange: sell the surplus and buy the needed.
Verum Combat: patrol behind our lines and fight, if needed.
Escort Squadrons: escort our flagships and civil ships.
Excursor Squadrons: scout safe routes for our ships.
No Divisions
- Personal Transport, Bounty Hunting or Freelancing
- Piracy, Smuggeling and Slavery
The main goal of our organization is to get as independent as possible.
No matter if Casual or Hardcore, with our crew rotation all members have a place.
The most Command positions are vacant and diligent members have good chances to rank up.
80+ ships with 300+ free places, from MPUV to Javelin, waiting in our Hangar to get a crew.
Please send me a private message, if You want more information!
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As the Premier Secured Hauling Organization within the Stanton System, Virtanen Intergalactic is growing and we want you on our crew. Whether you’re a seasoned pilot or new to the ‘verse, we’re here to help you grow and find your forever home.
To be specific:
Everyone Welcome - No experience? No problem, learn from the best.
Flexible Commitment - No minimum time requirements, real life first.
Tight-Knit Community - Small but growing, we value teamwork and camaraderie.
North American Focused - Primarily active across North American time zones.
Our Sectors:
Industrial - Logistics, Mining, and Salvaging operations to keep Stanton Moving and Clean.
Medical - Rescue downed pilots, stranded citizens, or injured marines and provide critical aid.
Security - Protect assets, escort our industrial operations, and engage threats on land or in space.
With over 150 years of lore legacy behind us, Virtanen Intergalactic combines professionalism and a rich history to redefine secured logistics. Our mission? Safely and efficiently transfer assets through secured or unsecured space, no matter the challenge.
“Semper Anticus - Always Forward”
If you’re ready to start with us, check out our Discord. - Discord Server
Check out the Virtanen Intergalactic community on Discord - hang out with 106 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.