
Concept: READYSTEADY Rush Courier + Black Market Data Front

July 7th 2020 at 12:07 am

Concept: READYSTEADY Rush Courier + Black Market Data Front

July 7th 2020 at 12:07 am
I'm particularly excited about the data-related activities in the Verse, so I decided to mock up a service where people might get into the business.


In 2930 READYSTEADY began developing branches of their interstellar logistics platform, enticing customers through seemingly unparalleled delivery speed. Within months however, industry leadership criticized the group's work-to-the-bone business model and use of pilots with known CrimeStat records. READYSTEADY's controversial Fastest Five leaderboard system created opportunities to earn dividends on efficient deliveries, but also presented physical and psychological hazards for their endurance "Sprinters".

By 2936 the organization had lost many flagship branches due to persistent legal attacks from its rivals. In the years that followed READYSTEADY fell away from the UEE spotlight, being overtaken by ethically-superior groups such as FTL Courier Service, Red Wind, and Covalex. It is rumored that their operation, now twenty-five years strong, has been usurped by black market data brokers and other questionable syndicates.


Hurston Subsector Branch 33
Exterior seen near Teasa Spaceport

Branches offer Sprinters regular delivery missions (similar to white hat service), as well as endurance Expedite missions that reward pilots for continuous, and optimized delivery chains. The top five pilots (in realtime), receive bonuses for consecutive completions that outperform the estimated delivery window.

A Mobiglass hacking terminal can be seen slid under the agent window inside, suggesting that pilots may be moonlighting package delivery with additional black market data transfers.


All created by me except for the Stanton Navigational Map made by @Lische.

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