As a Praetorian of the United Empire of Earth, Invictus Maneo’s legacy echoes across countless systems. Renowned for fearless gallantry and bold unpredictability, their exploits are immortalized in galactic lore. Now, a member of the Leviathan Triumvirate, they guide the Leviathan Corporation—an entity forged in the Tevarin Wars and thriving where law and capitalism blur. Leviathan’s ambition bridges chaos and order, redefining corporate dominance across the stars.
In addition to their role with Leviathan, Maneo serves as the visionary CEO of Dirty Rice Interstellar, advancing humanity’s reach through innovation. From humble origins on Earth, Dirty Rice Interstellar has become a cornerstone of interstellar logistics.
Invictus Maneo embodies the spirit of forging new paths, challenging convention, and embracing the boundless possibilities of the galaxy. Whether commanding fleets or navigating the frontier where morality bends to ambition, they are a visionary shaping humanity’s destiny among the stars.