Raymond Tiberius Chasershmidt, son of a disgraced ceramic floor tile salesman was raised by feral goats in the unforgiving mountains of Microtech. After saving the life of a crash-landed acupuncturist named Spike Pokesom, Ray earned a ride to Port Tressler and a job scraping gum off benches in the local food court.
Seven years later, Ray was still scrubbing tables, dreaming of soaring through the clouds. Finally, he saved enough to enroll in flight school. His dreams of becoming a top-notch pilot were dashed when Raymond's classmates gave him the fitting nickname "Crashy McSplat" due to a lack of talent or even a basic feel for the stick. In fact, if it weren't for genetic regeneration tech, Raymond's class would not have had any graduates or survivors at all.
Despite only barely graduating at the bottom of his class, Raymond is ready to take on the skies and show the verse that he's got what it takes to maybe one day land a spaceship without any casualties.