Part of a family of brothers that fought together and survived together I grew up in rough conditions. My brothers were tough on me since i was the youngest. I had trouble in trusting anyone but my brothers even though they were harder to trust. When one day i met an amazing woman who my brothers did not approve of. Over time i felt more comfortable with letting her in. Until my own family stabbed me in my back and killed her. Outraged i killed my older brother who was responsible for killing her. In a bar drunk off my ass without a hope in the world i encountered someone who seemed tough but understood me; Solus bought me a drink and told me of his need of someone like me. He heard i killed my brother and would be able to kill no matter who it was. Nodding silently to his stories and intrigues i decided instead of sitting here doing nothing i should go out and roam the stars since i have nothing else interesting in life maybe if i die killing someone who deserves it I will be able to see her again.