A Spaceman's Travels iv - Welcome to Crusader

scraps of journals in a bottle, floating the sea of space 0 UPVOTE 0

2 years ago

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Well, I made it to Stanton!! I know I left things on a bit of a cliff hanger but, that's life for you. Once I jumped off the ship I was able to sneak through the bustling of the hanger. No one really gave me much of a notice. I kept to the shadows as much as possible and I tailed behind an automated cargo truck. Dashing out and behind a wall of cargo. Then following the scattered maze of cargo boxes I eventually came to a nice dark corner to hide. Just insight of the transit hub, and starting to relax, and then... "HEY!, what the hell are you doing here!" A man grabbed me by the arm, pulled me up, and began dragging me down a corridor. I was giving up, there was no fighting it. I tried to explain how I got there, half truths, full lies, I was babbling pure nonsense. "Save it, for this guy..." He let go of my arm and left me staring into the fogged glass of a a security checkpoint. He just turned and left.. The guy didn't give a fuck, he just wanted me out of his way and out of his zone of responsibility. Suddenly, the glass changed to perfectly clear, as if there were nothing there at all. On the other side a man with the words SECURITY written across his chest. He stared straight ahead, as if through me. "You in off that last transport from Microtech?", he said blandly. I glanced behind me and then in front again and caught myself saying, "Who me?" The man behind the glass rolled his eyes and pointed to a door. "Go through there.", the level of annoyance ringing clear in his voice. Yet I still couldn't tell if he was talking to me or someone just over my shoulder. I walked to the door, presuming it would lead to a processing center, an interrogation chamber, or perhaps just a dark room to get my ass kicked. I went through the door and was greeted by a man wearing a flight suit that had the official Crusader logo just over the heart. "You get lost?... Follow me, I know what your looking for." He walked just ahead of me waving at every third person, with comments for every fourth. Eventually he lead me to a small stair case, and said, "Cousin Crows is down there, look for Bill, and tell him Dick sent you." I turned, shocked in total disbelief, of everything that just happened and that I was somehow still free. I descended the stairs and came to the door marked 'Cousin Crows' . The Door slid open and my jaw dropped. 'Cousin Crows', was a ship yard. In every direction I looked was a ship I had dreamed of flying. From Anvil Arrows, pimped out Origins, and of course Crusader ships. This place was bursting with cool. I walked in a daze zooming from one ship to the next until suddenly I was greeted by the man named Bill.


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