Staff Pick
Aaron Halo - Detailed Shape and Density Survey
The details of the Stanton system's Aaron Halo asteroid belt have been a mystery for a long time,...
3 years ago
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The details of the Stanton system's Aaron Halo asteroid belt have been a mystery for a long time, but during the last couple of years more information about its features have steadily been revealed by several explorers who have pushed beyond to learn and bring back new data about it.
My goal for this survey expedition was to comprehensively determine the characteristics of the asteroid belt from a general scientific perspective - including to verify if the asteroid belt structure is the same across different game servers, determine if its density differs around the cirumference of the star, and most importantly to measure and gather details on its size, shape and density.
The main outcome of the survey can be summarized in this chart, which exhibit the precise width and asteroid density of the 10 bands.
Check the article to learn about the expedition details and findings.
Last modified by 3 years ago
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2 years ago
I want to call out to the. people that make this that with the changes to how Lagrange point stations are NO longer at the main Lagrange point, you need to adjust for this.<br /> The issue is that the main Lagrange points, along with planets, the belt and the Stanton star marker are all at the 0 z-axis mark. With the. stations being at L1/2 a/b/c which are usually 30,000km. off, this put them off the 0 z-axis mark.<br /> This means that if you follow your image guide here and start at MicL1's station and fly to the Stanton Marker and stop at the. 20,320,000 mark, you will be about 2 - 4,000km above the belt and not see anything unless you fly straight down. To fix this, you have to. fly away. from the Lagrange point a bit (like 50,000km) then fly back to put you at the 0 z-axis again, THEN fly to your destination point.<br /> Hopefully this info helps you update your documents :)
3 years ago
Congratulations on this job! Who would think that people like you would take the challenge with your hands to get out of it a fine analysis showing that the structure of Aaron’s halo did not happen randomly and not thoughtfully....
3 years ago
This reminded me of the Cannon studies inside ED. Love it! and a great job
3 years ago
EXCELLENT, that's the 'verse we love, and we need cartographer like @rockseeker, who should AT LEAST BEING CREDITED !<br /> One more FAB work from<br />
3 years ago
Great job! keep it up :-P