Ship Showdown 2952
Past event
August 15 to September 16
Avenger Titan: hands down the best starter experience in the 'verse.
Why should the Avenger Titan be the 2952 Best in Show? The Avenger Titan is the best starter sh...
3 years ago
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Why should the Avenger Titan be the 2952 Best in Show?
The Avenger Titan is the best starter ship, hands down. There is nothing like walking out into your hangar for the first time, seeing the Avenger Titan parked there, walking up, lowering the ramp, walking through the cargo hold, into the hab, past your bunk, into the cockpit, and sitting down in your seat.
I currently have a fleet of 14 ships and 5 vehicles. The Avenger Titan has been part of my fleet since I first test flew it. I have, at times, thought about melting or upgrading it. Fourteen ships is excessive, right? But every wipe, I’m flying my Avenger to rebuild rep and redo certs. And if I’m doing an 890 jump mission, it’s great having a ship that I can land inside the 890. And with the Invictus Blue and Gold paint, it’s a really nice-looking ship.
Last modified by 2 years ago
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