Ship Showdown 2952
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Past event
August 15 to September 16
C8X Pisces, the best daily driver
What can you do with a Pisces ? - Deliveries (in the good side or in the bad side of the law) - M...
3 years ago
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What can you do with a Pisces ?
Deliveries (in the good side or in the bad side of the law) Mercenary activities (who needs a Carrack to go shoot people in a cave or a bunker then loot their stuff when you have a Pisces ?) Exploration/Touring (for you and teammates!) Passenger transport for 2 people (in a very low-cost version, I know xD) Small cargo hauler (4SCU in a so tiny ship, wonderfull) Low-tier Bounty Hunting (with 4xS1, you can also fight on MRT contracts if you are enough skilled and carefull)The C8X Pisces is a very good ship as daily driver. Who needs a bed in Stanton with so much LZ/Stations to land and to sleep ?
Last modified by 2 years ago
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3 years ago
flying around and having fun, as it should be ... love this little one