Ship Showdown 2953

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Past event

August 7 to August 21

Constellation Andromeda

Vote for the best ship in the verse, the RSI Constellation Andromeda. Gunship, Carrier, Dropship, Hauler, Transport. The Andromeda does it all.

2 years ago

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A mother Connie and small Merlin
Vehicle transport
A fully crewed Connie battle group with snub Merlin and Fury
A tired group of passengers that really couldn't wait before getting the the beds.
1 / 4

The Constellation Andromeda truly does it all. If you need to get somewhere in one piece, haul goods or just look stylish while cruising around the verse, then the RSI Constellation series is right for you. No other ship has personality, flare and firepower to get the job done right.

(Functioning cargo lift not guaranteed. RSI does not take responsibility for any vehicle, property or damage/death caused by inappropriate use of cargo lift. Do not store loose items on cargo lift to prevent damage to the vessel.)

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