Red Festival 2955

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January 29 to February 11

Envelop the 'Verse in Kindness Screenshot Contest

He needs some good luck more than I do...

last month

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Found another Red Envelope on the way to the spaceport to move some cargo. Thought this poor guy could use it more than me. Here's to a brighter year to come...
Envelop the 'Verse in Kindness Screenshot Contest

Found this poor son of a gun naked and broke in the slums of Area 18... He needs some good luck more than I do.
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2955 has started off as a great year for me. I count my blessings, especially living the good life here in Stanton while friends fight for their lives in Pyro. I hope your year is as fortunate. Hell, it could be worse... you could be these sad souls.

Be safe out there, and here's to a Happy New Year!


(Happy New Year! Good fortune to you! Now, gimme that red envelope!)

Last modified by author last month


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