Staff Pick

Farewell Port Olisar

Pictures of the "Farwell Port Olisar" event by "Das Kartell"

last year

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Alpha 3.20 is approaching and "Das Kartell" wanted to say a proper goodbye to Port Olisar.

More than 50 members and friends of "Das Kartell" did not want to miss the opportunity and so the farewell of Port Olisar was a great success.

To you Port Olisar:

You were a stellar teacher, how do I start, how do I land, do I have my helmet on? You showed many players the verse and amazed them, you were the beginning of many and yet your end will soon come.

We will forever hold you in special memory and look forward to your reincarnation, we will seek you, find you and even then continue to love you forever.

Farewell Port Olisar

Last modified by author last year


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