Staff Pick

Kinshadow’s 2016 CitizenCon Cosplay Build

Hey Cits and Civs, this is Kinshadow. You may know me from the random stuff I do in the communit...

8 years ago

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Hey Cits and Civs, this is Kinshadow. You may know me from the random stuff I do in the community like the Guard Frequency Podcast (, my card games (, my pumpkins, my Valentine’s day cards, etc. If you happen to be an OG Star Citizen fan, you may also know me as that guy who used to dress up like a pirate and hunt Logante on Wingman’s Hangar. For this year’s CitizenCon, I decided I wanted to dress up like my old pirate self once more, but the old shiny trenchcoat just wasn’t going to cut it (it smells like mothballs and plastic). I had some time on my hands and I figured I could probably pull off some half-way decent cosplay if I put my mind to it. You can see the results below in the first two pics.

Since then, a bunch of people have asked me ‘how’ I built my helmet. So, I decided to make a howto post. Before I start, I’d like to point people to a great couple of resources for EVA foam crafting:

My original helmet and shoulder templates from from Evil Ted Smith : He sells foam templates for a reasonable price or shows you how to make your own (which I do in this post). He also has GREAT videos on how to build all sorts of costumes. Humble Bundle just happens to be doing a cosplay foam crafting book sell! I scanned all the templates I used in this build. Feel free to use them and skip about half the steps in this build :D You can download them here:

Make sure you mouse-over each pic to see the text instructions

Last modified by 8 years ago


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Dude, that helmet is AAAaaaAAaawwwWW !! I mean, i'll be ready to pay at least 50$ for a helmet like that !<br /> Well done.

Trip happily got owned by Kinshadow for CitizenCon 2016 cosplay =). Nicely done Kinshadow, and a pleasure meeting you. o7

Fantastic work! Thanks for posting this, really enjoyed seeing your work!

8 years ago

dedication! I love it! Bravo.

Welcome to the SC cosplay gang! :D Big Benny's salutes you! o7 hehe ;)