M50 3D-Model
This is my second Model, and it acutally started more as a how-to guide if people were interested...
7 years ago
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This is my second Model, and it acutally started more as a how-to guide if people were interested in 3D printing their ships. I ran into several issues during the process and wanted to share my findings, so other might avoid certain pit-falls. Planed as a quick two-week build, I ended up with more than 2 months and a couble of new techniques and a model which I grew fond enough to share here as well. I don't own one and choose the M50 mainly for it's size and features from a 3D printing point of view, but after this time I really dig the design and kinda wished I was more into racing than I am into hauling, just so I can find a good reason to add this beauty to my hangar ;P
Last modified by 7 years ago
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