Port Olisar Remembered

This is how we intend to keep history in tact through community involvement.

last year

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This is a repost with a couple of pictures added given the recent information about Port Olisar. Here is the text from the original post:

I had some good friends of mine commenting recently about how much they loved the Mural of Crusader at Port Olisar. Though they reached out and @Zyloh-CIG was very gracious in his pursuit of a way they could print their own copy for at home it sadly turned out to be too incompatible a format from game to print. While considering all the speculation around PO being dismissed from the ‘verse some day and myself having learned of this I decided WTH, I’ll take some screenshots and try to recreate it myself! NOTE: I’m no professional but I hobby 3D sometimes so I figured I’d give it my own creative take.

As I feel the journey is as important if not greater than the destination I present to you my little voyage from screenshots, through tracing, deciding to drop the logo, 3D modeling, texturing, lighting and then finally my rendered take on the mural. The final print is 2×4 feet at 300dpi and took ages on my potato to render. I’ve included the scaled down version here for your viewing pleasure and look forward to my friends Girl-in-Pigtails and TheQue displaying it in their new future home!

P.S. This was not a commission. No money is exchanging hands. (Just to nip that in the bud.)

-AdultingMyBest (artist)

As we are losing Port Olisar soon, I felt this was a relivant time to bump this project. I hope you enjoy.

note the sound pannel that the art was printed on was obtained trough GIK Acoustisc (I have no relations to them at all, just for informational purposes).

Last modified by author last year

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