Retro Posters of the Staton System

A collection of retrofuturistic posters of diverse locations around Stanton

last year

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This was the first ever poster i did in the series. Still is one of my favorites just by the color scheme
This poster was made when the Lorville rework was not published on PTU. I had to pick references from ISC, and even with those I had to make some guesses of how the city would look like.
The two new additions to the series, starting the Microtech system collection. Both of them are based on actual references taken on terrain to make them feel as accurate as possible.
This one is my favorite!
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Hi guys!

A few months ago I published some of these illustrations on Reddit, and people liked them a lot!

So, I wanted to follow up on publishing a complete collection of the Microtech system. Sadly, I wasn't able to finish all the artwork on time for Citizencon, but instead of waiting, I think I would rather publish what I have already. Since I didn't publish the original Hurston System collection here, I'm also including it.

I hope you like my illustration work. You can find me on Reddit as Few_Economy9561. I'm also part of the Citizen Content Creators community, although I've not been really active given my IRL time constrains, sadly. Nonetheless, I encourage you to check their amazing discord server!


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