Staff Pick

Review of sniper weapons version 3.17.4

Sniper rifles from different manufacturers, their fire modes and damage parameters for version 3.17.2. (русская версия находится здесь

2 years ago

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The P6-LR Sniper Rifle is a .50, semi-automatic ballistic sniper rifle manufactured by Behring Applied Technology.
The A03 Sniper Rifle is a 7 mm, semi-automatic ballistic sniper rifle manufactured by Gemini.
The Scalpel Sniper Rifle is a 7 mm, double barrels bolt action with two fire mode ballistic sniper rifle manufactured by Kastak Arms.
The Arrowhead Sniper Rifle is a semi-automatic energy sniper rifle manufactured by Klaus & Werner. It can shots in two modes - single or charge-single.
The Atzkav Sniper Rifle is a semi-automatic electron sniper rifle manufactured by Lightning Bolt Co.
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Last modified by 2 years ago


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