Ship Showdown 2952
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Past event
August 15 to September 16
Saber Raven gang
Just reminding CIG this ship exists, and that it has a very active following :)
3 years ago
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Just reminding CIG this ship exists, and that it has a very active following :)
Last modified by 2 years ago
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3 years ago
They cant re-release it because it was a contract deal with intel. BUT what they should do to get more out there is do another contract with intel and the Raven to get more out there its one of me fave ships and needs some love.
3 years ago
If they aren't willing to include the Raven in the running it would be a incredibly cynnical not to tell us before we get to the voting stage.
3 years ago
I'd truly hope they don't just roll the votes over for the normal Saber (again). That wasn't cool last year.
Chase Hammer
3 years ago
Raven needs love
Aeon Flux
3 years ago
They have to bring the Raven up to "gold standard" eventually anyway, right?<br /> I feel like it's just on the backburner for now.