Staff Pick

Seven Times I saw Carrack from a different angle

I am sure that by now everybody has published at least one screenshot with Carrack. I was waiting...

5 years ago

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I am sure that by now everybody has published at least one screenshot with Carrack. I was waiting to do so as well for a very long time but then, when I have finally made my first screenshot - I just deleted it. Mainly because it was just another Carrack screenshot.

What I love in Star Citizen is the play of light and shadows, purity of shapes and vast space asking to be explored. So I did my screenshots again. And then I have used all the skills I hope I have, to make those screenshots packed even more with my personal perception.

I have created my views on Carrack using the same approach as I would use to normal photography. I have used tools I am using daily to make photography alive and telling the story.

This is how I have created seven different angles of my personal view on Carrack - the ship, the legend and the story to tell.

I hope you will enjoy it.

You will find full 4K versions here:

Last modified by 5 years ago


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