Non PC names for their ships. Rather than not having the ability at all. RSI should allow people to request a ship name perhaps with a payment. This would fund the project and fund an employee to go over the names and approve or deny them.

2 years ago

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Custom names please

For those that want a custom name. Allow us the chance to put in a request to be approved for a ship name request. $20 or something. It’s better than not having the option at all since people ruined it by writing offensive names on their ship.

If you put in the name c__Kgobbler or A__Blaster or something perhaps you just get a credit of your payment. So RSI doesn’t lose money on the deal, and it will dissuade people from submitting request upon request that would pile up the requests submitted tying up a person ok’ing requests and encourage only serious requests.

This would fund the project, cover the cost of paying a human to deal with the requests, and satisfy the desire to have a “custom license plate” on peoples ships.

I have a job and am happy to pay the fee. Once approved perhaps this could go into a cache of approved names that can be used by users, or at least be used again by the user who payed, for all ships in ones hanger.

This can be skewed obviously but just throwing the idea out there. Since it’s been decided NO CUSTOM NAMES. This could be a healthy mid ground.


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