Staff Pick

SOLAT setting the GOLD Standard

last year

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One of SOLAT's Hull C's fully loaded with 4610 Scu of GOLD Ore.

The Ore was Salvaged from Derelict Ships (Legal Salvage), Mined, and bought as Cargo from Mining Stations.
20+ Members Spent a Saturday, transporting all of the gold we had stored across the verse (with security escorts) to our secure point in deep space to manually load all 4610 Scu of GOLD on to the Hull C.
Manually Unloading the Gold off to C2's and Caterpillars to sell safely at the TDD.
SOLAT had one of our Escort Fighters Scan the Hull C when loading was complete to have undeniable proof that all 4610 SCU is GOLD ore.

On 11/27/2023: SOLAT (Salvage Ore Logistics And Transport) as an Organization, set out to set several record in the verse.

-Most Valuable load of cargo on a single ship ($34,754,790 aUec)

-Most Profit ever made on a single (legal) commodity

-Completely Fill a Hull C with GOLD (a rare commodity)

-Become the first Organization to achieve all of these records

By 12/10/2023 we had collected over 5000 SCU of GOLD Ore by legal means only. Our Org members were multi-crewing 3-6 Argo Moles (with Scout ships finding rocks), multi-crewing Reclaimers/Vultures running salvage missions, and a bunch of members ran cargo runs in small to large cargo ships. All while being escorted by our private security group.

In the end, SOLAT achieved all of the records we set out to accomplish.

We as an Org made over $30 Million aUec in PROFIT (after overhead costs)!!

Please check us out on the RSi page, and find us on Discord. ( )

-Tmandalorian & DarthVatyr Co-Founders of SOLAT

Last modified by author last year


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