Star Citizen Ship Vectors Project

Whiskersofsteel is creating a series of vector .svg files for the ships in star citizen for everyone to use.

2 years ago

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Hey everyone! I searched around and was having a hard time finding source files that would be easy to edit and work with to create custom graphics. I decided it was time to start building a library of silhouette style vectors of the ships in Star Citizen! If you've been looking for something to spice up your org documentation, change up your fleet graphics, or whatever else, here you go. Feel free to use these, change them up and use them however. The only thing that I ask is that you include a link to my original folder and add my username so people can find the originals easily and use them in their own creations! You can also comment here on this post to request any ships that haven't been added yet and I will add them as I have the time. Here's the link below:

Last modified by author 2 years ago

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Hey, I notice the drive link goes to nowhere. Did this get scrapped?