Star Citizen Simulation Cockpit 3.0

A new Star Citizen cockpit I've been building during the second part of 2022.

2 years ago

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Overview of the setup. The chair is an old Volvo seat and move back and forward on casters.
Lower middle display can act as a dashboard.
HOSAS setup can be easily changed into HOTAS.
Custom power management panel for Star Citizen. It's 3D printed in white PLA, painted black and markings are done with laser engraver. The trackball can be used for light movement (e.g. getting to your ship).
Lighting control panel to control the LED lighting of the cockpit. It's powered by 12V power from an old computer PSU.

I've been building a new simulation cockpit, mostly to play Star Citizen with. I started this project during summer 2022 after learning a lot from my previous cockpit build. It's mostly built from plywood.

There's a full making-of series available in Youtube: And the 3D model I used can be downloaded for free for your own builds:

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