Star Trek LCARs inspired Controls for SC

2 years ago

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So, I've always wanted LCARs controls to play SC with. Definitely not practical, but for fun. But nobody that I'm aware of has made it, so I said "fine, I'll do it myself". So here it is! It's not 100%, but it is close enough that I wanted to share. Now it's just down to some minor tweaking and optimization of button placement.

I purchased a pair of Lenovo M10 plus gen 3 specifically for this project to make them matching screens. Picked them as they are on sale at the time, and they had the highest price to performance could find, as well as highest screen resolution for the price.

I designed and 3d printed some stands to fit these tablets to make them exactly how I want them to sit on my desktop as one continuous panel when I get around to installing magnets in the holes I made for them.

It uses an app/program called MATRIC. It's similar to Game Glass, but fully customizable, and comes with the ability to create full joystick and axis controls. (6 buttons for free, unlimited for premium I spent like $10 I think)

I then took different images from different sources around the web and made icons out of the images to use them as buttons. Each button hot keyed to the normal mapped buttons in SC. Thanks to @lcarslad and @mikeoverton21 on Twitter for their lovely LCARS work I could reference for basic icons!

Left screen: The circle is the strafe forward/back/left/right. The left vertical slider is the throttle limit. The right vertical slider is strafe up and down. Mining/salvaging slider for that. Buttons are labeled

Right screen: Circle is for pitch/yaw horizontal slider is for roll. Buttons are labeled.

Video of it in use (not a great one, but it should show it off, don't worry about audio)

Once I'm happy enough with the controls and layout enough, I'll publish the decks to MATRICs internal shard sharing if anyone else would like to try it! No promises on how it'll look on other tablets but you can modify as you wish.

See y'all in the verse. Love Long and Prosper

(All Star Trek images and iconography are property of Paramount and subsidiaries. As well as the other fans I took inspiration from during creation. This is a fan project for use under Creative Commons, not for profit yadda yadda)

Last modified by author 2 years ago


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