Strykers´s Run (1986)

All Chris Roberts Games! Part 6

9 months ago

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Cover front
Cover back
Cassettes and Booklet
Screenshot from the game

Strykers Run was published by Superior Software in 1986 and according to the scrolling text at the start of the game it took 10 months to write. It came packaged with both a regular version for 32K machines and an enhanced version for the Master 128 and claims to be the first game to do this. The enhanced versionen contains extra in-game graphics, a title screen with music, a high score table, on-screen instructions and user-defined controls.

The game is a side scrolling shooter and the story, such as it is, has you playing Commander Stryker who must deliver his information to the enemy HQ. The enemies consist of various soldiers, some armed with pistols, others with rocket launchers or machine guns + various flying vehicles which bomb you from above.


Chris did not work on the sequel called Codename: Droid, which came out in 1987.

Erin Roberts got his first credit as general inspiration and also credited are Nick Elms and Phil Meller. All 3 work at Cloud Imperium Games at Squdron 42.

The music, a version of the Yellow Magic Orchestra's song Rydeen, was created by Martin Galway. The song was later also used in Super Locomotive (Arcade) and Daley Thompson's Decathlon (C64).

Here is the official RSI-Museum video for Strykers Run

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