Ship Showdown 2953

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August 7 to August 21

The 325a, a daily driver with style for BIS 2953.

Even after eleven years, I have no regrets. If you want to have just one ship and still be able to do a bit of everything, the 325a comes highly recommended.

2 years ago

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If you’re in combat and lose a wing on your 325a, it’ll be rough getting back to a station for repairs. Also, being an interceptor from a luxury brand, it doesn’t have the same stripped-down profile or combat capabilities of a dedicated military fighter. But it is a gorgeous ship.

Being someone who has had my 325a since 2942, I am, admittedly, a bit biased. If I had to choose between the Avenger Titan and the 325a, I’d choose the 325a every time. It is the only ship with such comprehensive customization options, and they are all worth it. Scarlet and woodgrain with all the trimmings. My son’s is Ultramarine with carbon fibre. Having a shared suit locker plus two gun racks means that you’re ready for anything. On the one hand, it has a small footprint for landing and can take you around the verse comfortably and quickly. But on the other, once you’ve arrived, your cargo hold is on the outside so you don’t have to worry so much about stowaways.

But for a daily driver for getting around the verse, and doing it in style, why not start with a 325a? Even after eleven years, I have no regrets. If you want to have just one ship and still be able to do a bit of everything, the 325a comes highly recommended.

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