Ship Showdown 2953

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Past event

August 7 to August 21

Staff Pick

The corsair

2 years ago

Upvoted by

1 / 8

Last modified by author 2 years ago


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eh its good n all but 3f printing nah i build models and paint em and 3d models jsut dont fit the category in weight and can do so much more ralism with a brush and air brush ill vote though cuz its a job well done

11 months ago

wtf looks awesome! very good job! i love it

can I get the file for the print

2 years ago

Uh thats looks awesome !Good Job!

2 years ago

I think this is the gest one you've done. I've always wanted to see weathering and wear on ship skins. I would love to see for additional skins bought for ships each one have like a 3 level (3 skins basically) of weathering. Like a shiny new like we see now, lightly weathered, heavy weathered. Not talking about graffiti tags like this one has (which are awesome), but just on the paint job.