To My Fellow Citizens

I’ve been a backer since 2016 and have had countless hours of fun and entertainment. I’ve met new...

2 years ago

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I’ve been a backer since 2016 and have had countless hours of fun and entertainment. I’ve met new friends, gone to new places, and crashed so many new ships. While there has been both good and bad with the game’s development, no one can doubt the best part of this game is the community. We, the backers who believe in this project just about as much as Chris Roberts himself.

We’ve all had the patches that were just unplayable. The game breaking bugs that make us take a break. And the assassins disguised as elevators that take us out over and over again. However, we always find our way back because at the end of the day there is simply no other game like Star Citizen out there. Sure, there are other “space sims” but nothing comes close to ours. Yes, ours. This is our game.

People have tried to tell me that this game was a scam when I joined. Back when all we had was Port Olisar and Hangers. People tried to tell me this game was a scam back when we FINALLY got to land on another planet back in 3.0. People still try to tell me it is a scam today, as I roll with my buddies and brothers throughout the verse. They can call it a scam all they want… I’m having too much fun to care. See you in the Verse, Family.

Last modified by 2 years ago

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