Wing Commander Academy (1993)

All Chris Roberts Games! Part 20

6 months ago

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The game is based on the technical basis of Wing Commander II and does not have a campain mode. Instead, the player can be build up their own missions from a Mission Editor own according to a modular principle. The missions can be stored and played back at a later date. There is also a called Gauntlet Match mode which simulates an arcade environment. The player must complete round for round against enemy starfighters. Is a round completed will the player receives a bonus to his protective shields and weapons energy and the next round is triggered. If the player loses, the game ends.


In 1996 there was a Wing Commander Academy animated television series. The show was based on the Wing Commander franchise and loosely served as a prequel to Wing Commander. Mark Hamill was the voice of Christopher "Maverick" Blair.

Here is the official RSI-MUSEUM video for Wing Comman der Academy

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