Wing Commander II: Special Operations 1 (1991)

All Chris Roberts Games! Part 15

7 months ago

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The second extension is also made of 16 missions and a new, independent action. It appeared in 1992. Zachary "Jazz" Colson, the traitor from the basic game, sentenced to death and the player character escorted his prisoner transport "Bastille". The "Bastille" is however exempt from a human faction, the Mandarins, invaded and Colson. The Mandarins are rebellious Confederacy, which are supported by the Kilrathi. They succeed to steal the prototype of a new combat fighter called "Morning Star" and they intend to pass the Kilrathi. The player goes on a hunt for the traitors.


In case you wonder what happened to Jason "Bear" Bondarevsky after the game, check out the other Wing Commander novels from Baen books. Bear plays a big part in "End Run" and "Fleet Action".

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