5 days ago

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After more than 350 hours of work, 24 voices actors and dozens of in game actors, I'm so proud to introduce to you my new project : Worlds Cracker 2972

More than just a machinima serie, this project has one goal : federate the community arround too passions, Star Citizen and Cinema. I'm so greatfull to see Hugo Lisoir, Terada, Waterpatate, and Nicou trusting in me and joining for this episode. Hope you guys will enjoy...

You can start the adventure by this episode 0, and watch the 1, 2 and 3, or watch in the order, it was made to be understood in any case <3

Last modified by 2 days ago


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2 days ago

Une série vraiment géniale, qui nous tient en haleine du début à la fin ! J'espère qu'elle aura une longue vie !

This is amazing, outstanding work! At first I wasn´t sure what to make of this, but then I was hooked. Well done!

Merci merci et merci .... Du grand art . Grace a toi Star Citizen est mise en valeur a ca juste mesure ^^. La suite c est quand ??

Un mot : B R A V O Quel travail c'est vraiment fou !

5 days ago