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  • Organization
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  • Security

*To Become A Legendary Myth Stories Must Be Told.

Many Have Witnessed Seeing Them Or Spoke There Name,

A Light In The Darkness They Come Forth Welcome To The Phoenix Dragons*


History: ……

Year 1990 The Guild first formed in a game called RF Online.
The first founder went into the game, finding many new players that needed help. 
as new player himself, it soon came very clear that new players are not getting much help at all.  

The first founder found it increasing hard to get veteran players, that knew the game to help the new players.  
This had to change the question remand, why no one helps each other. 
With this goal in mind and a vision, the founder went around the game and came across 7 other players.
With the same goal and same viewpoints. 
The Moto Help each other no matter what level you are, no matter what rank you are, no matter who you are,
help each other to succeed in game.   
In the Year 1990 The Guild was formed, and after 6 months of playing we named ourselves as the CORA DRAGONS.  
From there the guild grew and the legend was born. 
Many games the guild has been involved with, and the myth has grown.
To this day The DRAGONS Guild is known as a myth a legend a folk story.
And not many know who they are.
However many people know that we are out there. To find us is one thing to become a myth is another.
Many have tried to join the ranks of the guild, many have succeeded.
And many still journey to locate the members of the guild, to find there own path. there own story.
Finding them is one thing joining them is another.

The Founding Member History.

Hi I am Raydon, one of the founding members of the org, the very first member to have dream back in 1990.
as young player of games, finding an mmo to play was always a challenge, which got me into RF-Online.
starting like any other new player learning how to play. Then finding others to play with in the game.
then creating the original org.
To this day i have made many friends who are now part of this org or have moved on to other games. To keep the history alive, and the dream of creating something worth while.
With Any Org/Clan/Group It can start with a dream a story something that means something to others.
One of the members took the time created his own lore below.

STAR CITIZEN LORE:  Date 2543  =  Time 9 am space time      The UPE got its first real challenge after an encounter near unknown star system near the Tevarin border.   A patrol fleet of the UPE with 9 ships, Encountered a very large Tevarin fleet  of about 50 + ships. The UPE patrol fleet lead by the flagship golden wing, under its command with 10  ships including ours. being outgunned out run, needing repairs needing fuel and with no place to go. 

Losing this battle could spark  the near by system and colony protected by the UPE.
would make the people to go into panic and the threat of invasion.  
The UPE  Fleet had to retreat , we had todo something, and the only place to go was a unknown system.
Not on any map or navigation  relay, just this unknown jump point.
To protect the outer colony from invasion  from the Tevarin to get them to chase us has tobe our mission.
with the Tevarin fleet now chasing them away from the colony,  the decision was made.
Jump and have the Tevarin chase them,  to protect the civilians of the outer colony.   
Jump made the UPE fleet emerged into the unknown system, the scanners activated, and on that scan.
contacts showed up 400 contacts of unknown ships and classification.
UPE fleet not knowing what Todo, stopped all ships in the fleet, no place to go, no place to run,  Time was up the end or just the beginning.  
Transmitting on all known space bands “ This is the UPE Fleet from Colony ‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’ WE are Being chased by Tevarin fleet we Surrender “.  
This transmission could have been the last thing all of us sent, on that day.
said the flagship admiral of the UPE destroyer golden wing, we never had to surrender to anyone before. 
You can only imagine this picture of that day being chased, no place Togo No place to run. the fleet admiral giving us this message to transmit, now we are here with 400 contacts on our scope. What are they, who are they, what are those markings on there ships. To surrender in this fashion would not go down well back home. 
And then we got this back to this day, I remember this message.
And I pass this on to you today, to remember how I felt on that day. remember everything that happened upto this point. 

Message Read as follows
“ To Surrender to Us is humble and worthy of safety, To Surrender is Not What You need Now so Don’t,
Help you require, and you will receive.
Tell all your ships to head due north for sector 5, then 200 degrees left at low-speed then dock.
Welcome to PHOENIX SYSTEM “    
With that I relayed the message, to our admiral and followed the instructions as given.
could of been a trap could be anything. But what I witnessed next blew my mind.
The Tevarin jumped in and all I could see on that day was 400 contacts  destroy Tevarin Fleet  in 2 mins.   
After Docking and following the instructions and Repairs  to our ships.
We could not understand why the help ? why this system ? we knew nothing ?
We did not even get to meet these strangers. Just that transmission leading us to space dock, an automated one of course. 
We left the system after we had done repairs healed the wounded. and jumped out
when we jumped, we checked our logs our charts or data everything NOTHING ALL BLANK.
Nothing to locate them again all I have to remember is those markings on their ships and that message. and what happened on that day.
I tried to find them to thank them but with no luck for 10 years I searched for 10 years
the system for the jump point for any clue, any sign but nothing.  
my hopes to find them, I finally came to my own decision to say i cant find them, no one can.
And then 1 year later near my home system,
I was farming on my small farm just outside terra. and a ship landed it was very long time ago.
but I remember those markings from that day. those markings I will never forget.
many thoughts went through my mind on that day, why is that ship here?

First contact at last.
could I finally answer those questions from many years ago, why they helped us, why so secret to protect them.
and now this ship has landed,
I finally got my answers to those questions and much more.
My name is jean crow = star citizen name Starstormer, and I have met the phoenix dragons.
and now a commander of phoenix 45th squadron of the org.
maybe one day you will meet us, like i have and you will have your own story to tell. thank you




To be a multi-function guild, a worldwide org no matter who you are, every org starts with a view or some history or a story to tell,
over the years guilds/orgs/clans are in many mmo games, or multiplayer games whether its alone or with friends.
many have views or thoughts how they can be different from others.
Some succeed and some fail, and then these those who last for years always in the background and sometimes on the forefront.

Having a very long history in many mmo games, many chose there own path. I can say, we are a casual guild/org,
every rule chosen is by the members. Every one in the org no matter if casual player or full time every one gets a say.
i have learnt over many years give people options, give people a chance to do what they want todo.

it can all start from one person, one player starting in game finding ways to enjoy the game and some that had questions that never got answered
and then you come across a guild that is hard to believe or how is that going to work, whatever your question, whatever you think the choice is always yours to decide.


The question I would ask you, is do you believe in a dream and believe that keeping a history alive is something to fight for.
to believe I can make a difference I mean something to them not just a number.
You may have herd this all before. however, before you decide that.

Let me ask how many orgs/clans/guilds let you decide what you want to-do.
To have a real say in guild rules and how the guild is run.
How many orgs/clans/guilds force you to log in, everyone has a real life we asked that same question.
So we made a guild rule
not only are you NOT forced to log in, but you can also log in when you want, and if your member play when you want,
all you have Todo is let us know.

I’m not here to tell you what you must do, I’m here to ask what you want to-do
what history do you want to make, what journey you want to take in this game.
to find out more about us please contact our org leader or recruitment officer when online or leave message.

Changing the way guilds operate welcome to the phoenix dragons guild


*1 : Respect the original guild from 1990 and its members. without them nothing would have happened.

2 : Respect the Motto [ Help Each Other Respect the Myth}

3 : Every member can do whatever role they wish and not stick to one thing. If you want to explore, fighter, traders, logistics, arms, farming, mining, to name a few. then do it.

4 : Every member can have a vote on the guild policy and focus of the guild.

5 : Every member can have access to ships of the fleet from the guild fleet operations division from the org fleet hq when avail

6 : Every member can be promoted in the fields of operations of the guild examples squadron leader, fleet leader, logistics core, exploration core, and many more,

7 : Every member can speak to the ORG Leader or Council Members, just come along to Discord or Youtube, and have a chat
yes time zones can get in the way, so leave a message we will get back to you.

8 : Promotions: To get promoted in higher positions of the guild,
only careful consideration is taken in these positions, you are protecting the history and safekeeping of the guild.
Feel free to speak with the org leader or check the spectrum page, and have a read of guild promotions section.

9 : This guild is multi-function operation, and as such no player is tied down, to do one thing and is free to choose their path one day to the next.
However, if a Fleet operation takes place or a guild meeting, a player can be asked to join to help better the outcome of that operation or meeting.

10: Multi- Function Class Roles – As mentioned in rule 9, As part of any role that you choose day by day, You can select any guild logo badge as defined the choice is yours. In future this is an example = if doing racing or part of the racing team, you maybe asked, would you mind displaying the racing badge for that event or race day event. this can change in future, it can make sense to show on that event or day i am racing not combat.
However until the gameplay allows us to show in game badges or we know the plans we will review this.

11 : ORG HQ : will be chosen by the members when the time comes, the fleet will be based at 3 locations, when chosen

1 = Org HQ this is where all diplomatic, logistics, trading, exploration and Non security takes place. with a security department attached.
2 = Military Fleet and the fleet operations take place, all things in this section under the 45th-squadron division department.
3 = Secret Location this is Top secret and only fleet command and council know this location.*

12: Logging In : You are NOT forced to log in or demanded to log in, everyone has a real life and that comes first.
you can check the org spectrum page or discord for any updates or even speak to the members, to keep in touch.
guild operations may take place as mentioned in rule 9, your free to come and go as you please.

13: To Find The Org Or Contact The Members : NOTE Some Links Below Require You To have Access As A Member
A = ORG Spectrum RSI Website =
B = YouTube Org Leader =
C = Discord Org And Others =

14: Community : Never Feel Alone Your journey has only just begun,
With that in mind the members or friends of the org are here If you need them,
so if you want go have a chat find a live stream find the discord its all waiting for you,

15: NEW PLAYERS : we all started new , so first steps can be mind boggling so take your time,
have read on our spectrum page about new player guides or check Youtube for starting out guides.
speak to the members if you so wish or others.
Discord is there to help you. again Your NOT Forced todo this However it can help you.

16 : Promoting The ORG : Are You A Youtuber ? Twitch Streamer ? Facebook ?
We Will Never Force You to Promote this ORG, You decide if you want to promote us using social media or events.
If you want to then go ahead ask for the logo of the org, stick a link to this org page, talk about us its all down to you.
What do you get in return our thanks for taking the time todo it.

A2 = GUILD FLEET = Every member has the access rights to any ship docked at the org hanger, unless defined by the fleet officer or in use.
or gameplay allows us to define access to those ships. as a member if a ship is avail for use you can ask to borrow it , use it , then return it.
you maybe asked for fee YES a fee which again will be defined by in game money and nothing else.

17: Casual Guild/Org/ Info = Many members are casual and many are day to day players, Every one has a real life no matter what that is.
To many orgs/clans dictate to you or tell you YOU MUST LOG IN or FACE expel or something ELSE.
WE SAY THIS log in when you want to real life first. yes we may have org ops or events please RULE 12. Dont Let others tell you cant have a real life.

18: To Be Voted on, or updated by the members these rules can change only by the members of the org