StarSanto / SSGMO

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Welcome to StarSanto!

Our company’s goal to is to provide genetically modified organisms to the entire verse!
Following strict quality control processes, our food & other products are guaranteed to be healthy, nutritious and cost effective.
Contact us for more.

StarSanto SK


StarSanto’s company name is a throwback to the 20th/21st century company “Monsanto”, a GMO producer that carried huge controversy for many years due to ignorance from millions of conspiracy experts. Around 2019, the controversy around GM seeds and food soon disappeared after the successful eradication of poverty in Kenya as Monsanto began providing GM food to Kenyans.

This was a major part of the company’s success, a move made after the CEO decided that the problem of unequal distribution of wealth & food was not going to fix itself due to the greed of the first world nations, and made the decision to provide the food out of his pocket. After a few months, Monsanto picked up speed, had helped over 500,000 Kenyans and began to get large grants from governments and officials of the world.

Once people began to realise the nature of Monsanto’s business was not evil, the controversy around their supposed “monopoly on GM seeds” soon subdued. Years later, after the mentioned eradication of poverty in Kenya, they continued to help provide food to poor, poverty-stricken third world countries until their surprise closure and release of copyright & patents on their seed technologies.

Since this paved the way to producing GM foods on a global scale, our company proudly remembers and honors Monsanto and hopes to achieve feats of selflessness such as Hugh Grant once did.


The intention of StarSanto is to attempt to begin a decline in hunger and malnourishment in many unconnected planets that have huge amounts of homeless and starving.

“We at StarSanto believe that you should be up in space, rather than standing on a planet, spraying vinegar at it”

StarSanto is a proud affiliate of the Interplanetary Science Corporation (ISC) organisation, who not only supports our mission but has also offered to help with statistics of the planets explored, providing extremely useful information to help our deployment plan. You can find their organisation page at:


To join you must:

  • Be over 15 years old
  • Actively want to help attack poverty and hunger in the universe
  • Respect the direction of the higher ranking members (who in turn will be held accountable by the majority and will not be unsuitably intrusive or demanding)