Stargate Ventures / STARGATE

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Our organizational goal is to create a family-friendly gaming community of like-minded Star Citizens who are focused on lawful activities in the game.

JOIN US ON DISCORD TODAY! and DM any Captain to review your application with you in the VOICE LOBBY.


The Beginning

Not long after the creation of Roberts Space Industries, and in a time of growth and prosperity for mankind, adventurous spacefarers stepped forward into the darkness of space. As the span of control increased, the most qualified commanders formed “The Council of Captains” and built the structure upon which our values of mutual respect and dignity were founded. The ranks expanded to include new combat pilots, miners, explorers, bounty hunters, craftsmen, mechanics, merchants, and countless others. Ship by ship and crew by crew the organization took cohesive shape. The various members, expertise, and camaraderie within the organization brought them to the very edges of known space, and the adventure continues . . .

For more information please join us on Discord:


The Mission

Our mission is to build a fun, rewarding gaming community. The org is built upon a foundation of respect embracing the creative ideas of all of our members. We intend to build a large community of members with a diverse set of gaming preferences, backgrounds, and goals. As a group, let’s build our gaming experience together as we test and observe the developments along the way.

What We Have To Offer:

1. Family-Friendly Atmosphere. One of our main goals is to be Star Citizen’s premiere family-friendly organization.
2. Mutual benefit. Work with Org mates to achieve your goals in the ‘verse be they monetary or otherwise.
3. Community strength. Help to build the Organization YOU want. Engage as much or as little as you want with the knowledge that you have the support you need.
4. An Expansive Fleet. Many of our members have a number of ships that can be crewed and/ or shared.

One Important Note: We do not endorse or participate in piracy and specifically prohibit griefing of any kind. Because we intend to respect each member equally, we ask that all conversations, posts, and interactions on this site or on our Discord server be considerate and clean.

Society and Economics

We have a very simple and straightforward structure. Members join as Pilots. We all own at least one ship, so we are all “Pilots”. If you run ops, missions, or events, you have a good track record of organizing said activities and treating your crew/ org mates with respect, this would qualify you to be recognized as a Captain.

Everyone in the organization is either a Pilot or a Captain at the end of the day. Any other Rank or Title just indicates a role a member may fill.

In this way, we can do as much or as little as we wish to in the game. As Star Citizen grows, we will likely form crews and divisions that specialize in every area of the game.

Leaders Wanted!

If you are an active member and want to help lead Stargate Command into the future inquire to become a Community Outreach, Recruiting & Engagement (C.O.R.E.) Officer

Join Us Today!

Stargate Ventures is currently seeking players, of all ages, and from all geographies, who enjoy working together as a team, exploring and colonizing new worlds, and collaboratively building an organization like none other! There will be endless opportunities to specialize and create groups with a variety of purposes and objectives, all contributing in some way to the success and mutual benefit of the group. We need your help to put it all together!

For more information please join us on Discord:


Founding Principles:
Stargate Ventures is an organization founded on the principles of respect for all, working as a team serving a purpose greater than just individual ambition where everyone has value to bring to the team. It is an international organization of members that span the globe. You too can make a difference!

Stargate Ventures provides a safe haven and zone of safe space where their presence can be found or encountered. If on the lawful end of the spectrum, you know you are among friends.

*For more information please join us on Discord: